Questions tagged [init.d]

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

288 questions
1 answer

init.d script worked OK on Ubuntu 10.10 but not on 11.10 despite LBS header correction

On Ubuntu 11.10, if I run /usr/bin/cserver -c /etc/cserver.conf & it'll work fine. But if I run service cserver start or /etc/init.d/cserver start as I did on 10.10, it won't. It just says "starting cServer", and that's the last I hear of…
2 answers

Nginx update rewrites my own starting scripts in /etc/init.d/nginx. Is there a way to avoid this?

I have nginx plus fast cgi. I wroted starting script that starts nginx with fast cgi. But after nginx update system rewrites this script to the default starting only nginx. Is there any way to avoid this rewrite?
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Suppress startup status message in mongod

I'm setting up mongod to run in an /etc/init.d script. This may be a nitpick, but is there a way to avoid this? # service mongod start Starting mongod: forked process: 19820 all output going to /log/location/mongod.log [SUCCESS] Instead, I just…
Brian Hicks
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Does STDERR go to syslog in an LSB init script?

I am running a Debian system and have an init script in /etc/init.d/ that starts a daemon using start-stop-daemon: start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/ --exec /usr/bin/somebin || return 2 If /usr/bin/somebin writes to…
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Considerations for building SysV or Upstart compatible Bash scripts

I've just knocked out a quick script for keeping a slave web server in sync with a master using rsync. ( I'd like to make this run on boot and be controllable via the usual…
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init.d service died

Adapting some code from a linux forum, I've added a service script to /etc/init.d on my ubuntu natty server to start/stop/restart node.js It literally was working the first day I made it, but then today, after viewing my website this morning, the…
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Ubuntu Server 10.04 autossh script in etc/init.d

I currently have a script in /etc/init.d which calls autossh with port forward to set up reverse ssh on the server. The command is preceded by 'sleep 20' to try to ensure the command is called after networking is active. The questions is, what is…
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On RHEL 5.6 I have an init.d script which is stuck in an infinite loop. How to boot without loading it?

I made a bone-headed mistake in one of my init.d scripts which gets stuck in an infinite loop during the boot process and blocks the completion. I therefore can not get to a shell and fix it. How can I boot and not perform all the boot scripts? I…
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Question regarding Linux LSB init script directives

I'm making some init scripts to start some system services that require other services to have started in order to start successfully. For instance, one service requires that xenstored be running before it can start. If I understand correctly, LSB…
Tim Post
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Is LSB's init script function "start_daemon" really used for real daemons or should I stick to start-stop-daemon?

In the context of init scripts, according to the LSB specification, "Each conforming init script shall execute the commands in the file /lib/lsb/init-function", which then defines a couple of functions to be used when using daemons. One of those…
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What's wrong in this "test -f" bash script that prevents dkimproxy from starting?

I was trying to configure dkimproxy on my server, after having used dkfilter for long time with success. The reason why I chose to "upgrade" is that DKIM protocol seems to be better supported than DomainKeys by major providers like Gmail. I want…
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How to unmount LVM automatically at shutdown (Debian/Ubuntu)?

I've created an LVM2 script in /etc/init.d/lvm2 and registered it with update-rc for startup, now the manuals I am reading states "immediately after all filesystems were unmounted:" that this should be ran: vgchange -a n Where would I place this…
Robert Renu.
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Permission denied message when starting gfs2

Can anyone please explain why I get this permission denied error? I try starting the script and it fails with a permission denied message. So I create a copy of it and run that instead and that works. [root@node2 ~]# /etc/init.d/gfs2 stop Unmounting…
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Run init.d script in the context of the current user session

I'd like to run a script in init.d (on Fedora) in the context of the user session I'm logging in as. I have a script called keyboard_deadkeys I wrote to set some deadkeys on my keyboard. The script is very simple: #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/xmodmap…
3 answers

How to activate eth0 / eth1 earlier in ubuntu boot process

Let's see if I can explain this right: I have servers with two ethernet interfaces - one external and one internal facing. I have a DB (pg) on one server and accessible from other machines on the internal network. I have RoR apps on other servers…
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