Questions tagged [hudson]

An extendable open source continuous integration server - something that monitors the status of repeating jobs

95 questions
2 answers

Deploy to JBoss 7 using Hudson Deploy plugin

I have 2 machines where one of them contains the Hudson CI and other JBoss 7 AS. In Hudson, I have installed "Deploy Plugin", created new job and filled required JBoss manager user connection fields. When I run the job, the project successfully…
Uluk Biy
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1 answer

Trigger only if build fails

I'm implementing a deployment/rollback procedure using Jenkins 1.430. I would like to configure the deployment and the rollback steps as 2 separate jobs so as to be triggered independently if needed. However I would also like the rollback to be…
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1 answer

What are the Jenkins/Hudson key files for?

After I have installed Jenkins (on Windows), the program folder contains, among others, two files: identity.key (28 lines) -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEow...... ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- secret.key (64 characters) d6....38 (I've…
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2 answers

Execute build task in Hudson with root privilages

I have a build script which executes apt-get and therefore requires root privileges. What is the best way to run this script in Hudson? Currently the only solution I have found that works is to add an entry to the sudoers file for the user hudson…
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1 answer

Mac OS X server daemon cannot connect to WindowServer

I am running the built-in Apache Tomcat 6.0 under Mac OS X Server 10.6.6. Tomcat runs Hudson and Hudson runs a script which needs to connect to the local WindowServer process. This does not seem to be allowed for the user appserver that Tomcat is…
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1 answer

Running Hudson builds with a lower process priority

At my office we have an older server running Hudson (1.395) and a collection of other things (JIRA and SVN being the important two). When Husdon is running builds, the slowdown on the server is very noticeable. I've been trying to find a way to…
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2 answers

Why is my Jetty server logging DNS error?

I have a Xen virtual machine where I've installed a Jetty 7.4.5, to run an instance of Hudson. It was working fine for about a month. Today we've noticed that Hudson was not able to generate builds. The problem was that we have no more space on…
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3 answers

Jenkins/Hudson - LDAP group *lookup* does not work

I'm trying to get Jenkins to authenticate users via our active directory groups. If I insert users they are correctly looked up. If I insert group names, they are not found. Edit: Through trial & error I have found out that the authentication via…
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1 answer

GUI Tests in Hudson (Jenkins) on Windows

I will try to keep this question simple. I've done much research on the topic, and haven't found any solution. GUI Tests fail when doing maven builds on Hudson (Jenkins). Hudson is running as a service, logged on as Local System. I have enabled…
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1 answer

Jenkins/Hudson Can we monitor realtime result of external job from Console output?

I have some external jobs need to be monitoring from central Jenkins/Hudson server. Jenkins/Hudson just send job output after it finish. Some jobs run in very long time and we aren't sure it is running or failing to the end of process. How can I…
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1 answer

Centos running Hudson freezes, what logs to check to find out why?

First instance, had a Centos 5.4 (64-bit), plenty of resources, installed Hudson ( and everything was honkey-dorey. Several days or weeks later (can't remember which), the entire server would…
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0 answers

Jenkins reverse proxy failing for log in/out pages

I have a pair of servers, one running Nginx the other Jenkins (well, and other servers for other services, but that's besides the point). These servers sit within their own subnet that normally would not be accessible from my machine. For testing…
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2 answers

Deploy Rails app from Hudson

I'm using hudson as my CI and it works great, builds run their tests, code metrics, all that good stuff. But at the moment, that's it, no automated deployment, I have to manually do that after. I haven't found any sort of capistrano plugin for…
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0 answers

Migrate latest stable HUDSON to latest stable LTS JENKINS

I am having issues migrating a HUDSON server with several jobs to JENKINS Jenkins claim you can upgrade easily from hudson but also mention it is only for version 1.395 or less…
1 answer

Hudson with active directory error

first question here on superuser (i'm addicted on stackoverflow). So, I'm trying to configure the active directory plugin (1.31-h1 version) on Hudson (3.0.1-b2) but without success. On the security screen configuration there is the option which I…
Jorge Campos
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