Questions tagged [handler-mappings]

18 questions
2 answers

apache2: Get a list of registered handlers

Is it possible, to get a list of all handlers from apache? With setHandler it is possible to create handlers. One possible usage would be to add a handler for a specific file extension (addHandler). Knowing all the possible handlers and their…
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IIS 7 - Disable a handler mapping

I have a fresh install of IIS 7, and under the Handler Mappings, I see a section for Disabled mappings and a section for Enabled. I want to disable a bunch of extensions (cshtml, aspq, etc). That is, I want to "move" them from the Enabled section…
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3 answers

iis7 .net webservice 404 error

I have a webservice /test/Service1.asmx in the same folder as a page /test/test.aspx. The page works fine but I get the message bellow for the services in the same location. I know the file is there and the url is correct, and I have added the…
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1 answer

IIS Handler Mappings

Given multiple handler mappings are configured to handle a request, in IIS, what is the algorithm for determining which one is used to serve the response?
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Handler mapping on IIS / OWIN /Nancy for a CSV file

I've an issue with IIS and OWIN/Nancy, here is the setup of our server : Windows Server 2012 R2 IIS 8.5 OWIN with Nancy (middleware) ASP.NET 4.5 Application developed in F#. I want to download a .csv file with an URL like this…
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0 answers

Is there any gain in removing old unused Handler Mappings in IIS 7?

I want to clean up my live server after removing a Classic ASP subset from a live web application. Other than cleaning up configuration, is there any other gains from disabling unused mappings in IIS? I guess performance may be a little faster, but…
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Setting a handler property in IIS7

In executing the following command with appcmd: set config -section:system.webServer/handlers /"[name='FCGIEcho’,path='*.exe',verb='*']".ResponsebufferLimit:0 I get the error message: ERROR ( message:Malformed collection indexer; format is…
Mike Trader
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Running php files on ISS 7 without the file extension

I'm moving a PHP app to my IIS 7 web server. A lot of the files in the application are php files, but don't have the php extension (in fact they have no file extension). This works fine on the old Apache hosting, but I can't get it to work on IIS…
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.cs files being parsed on IIS 7

I have a C# script I'm trying to call via HTTP on IIS7. When I make a call to it, I get the following. I am having an issue where I am trying to serve .cs files in iis 7 but I'm not sure what to use as a handler mapping? I have allowed the file to…
1 answer

Command Line net use mapped path without Drive letter doen't appear in Windows Explorer

I've searched extensively and have not found a post with the answer. If you use Explorer to "Add Network Location", it will add that mapped path under the used drive letters area on the left without a drive letter. Windows Explorer Mapping Due to…
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IIS 10 StaticFile handler impeding PHP custom verb for default document

I'm trying to enable IIS 10 to allow custom verbs in PHP. I have PHP_via_FastCGI enabled to accept all verbs. This works correctly when I specify the full path, inclusive of index.php at the end. The issue is when I don't specify index.php in the…
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Add a PHP Handler to a website or even a folder only via AppCmd

I am trying to automatically deploy an IIS webserver (currently 8.5, will need to work it out all the way down to 7.5 as well), using AppCmd.exe I am using PHP's FastCGI to handle requests. I have configured the FastCGI pool on server level. Now I…
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IIS6 wildcard mapping overriding regular mappings

Has anyone ever run into a problem where a wildcard mapping was overriding a standard mapping? Is this expected behavior? In my case I have my wildcard mapped to aspnet_isapi.dll for a cms application and then the .iirf extension mapped to the…
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Restrict uploaded file type and browser type to a specific folder in IIS 7

I'm trying to restrict a particular folder on my site to only allow certain files to be posted via mobile device. We are exporting data and movies from iPhones and iPod touches, so I'd like to limit the browser user-agent type to Safari, as well.…
tim m
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Handler mappings feature not available on IIS7

I have installed IIS 7 on a Windows 2008 server and I need to enable the "Handler Mappings" feature on it. I have already installed every single "role service" on IIS 7 but I can't seem to be able to enable the handler mappings. Any hints?
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