Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
1 answer

Apache2 Block IP with 404 Page or Timeout Error

Is there any was to configure Apache2 to block certain IPs, but instead of returning a 403 page; do one of the following: Return a 404 page Make the connection time out (as it would say in a web browser) Refuse the connection (again as it would say…
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multiple nginx config files under nginx/conf.d/ and 404

A seemingly very simple reverse proxy config is giving me headache here. Main config file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf has "include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;" Then I have two conf files under conf.d: default-1.conf and default-2.conf First file…
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IIS starts serving 404's (works for a while!)

This is a funny one that's just started happening. Changes I've recently made: Updated website (not major update, small code changes/bug fixes) Added URL re-write rules to 301 forum to different domain Site otherwise has been untouched for many…
1 answer

Change 404.html Location Fedora

Which file do i Edit in fedora to set the 404 page I looked at php.ini couldn't find anything in there
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NGINX proxy_pass returns 404

I have Nginx reverse proxy that proxies request to NGINX load balancer(Docker container) and 3 other Virtual Machines. Proxy works fine for all Virtual Machines, except this one. Here is my sistes-available/default file: server { # support http…
2 answers

Why does my 404 return 200 status code?

Not sure why but all of my error pages respond with a 200. That's feels a little strange to me, the pages exist but shouldn't they have their corresponding status codes? How do I get Nginx to render my 404 pages with a 404 status code? For…
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IIS returning 404 on PDF File

I have a IIS 10.0 server that everything is working fine, with one issue. Any .pdf file returns 404. I know permissions are correct as all the image files in the same folder are working fine. The PDF mime type exists in both the IIS root and the…
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What does a 404 response look like on embedded files

Say an image is embedded in webpage, but the image is not on the server, not found, and the server responds to requests for the image with a 404 error. The image is not displayed on the webpage, the actual HTTP response body is not displayed. A…
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Apache httpd serve a 200 response with static resource if requested file is not found

I am looking for a way to configure httpd server to respond with an image if requested file is not found. I know it can be simply done by: ErrorDocument 404 "/static/thumbnails/404.png" This one works, but a server responds with 404 code and it is…
1 answer

Nginx + PHP index.php not found 404

I'm running debian 9 with nginx 12 and php7.1 I've set evrrything up. Nginx does not give me anything in error log, all the PHP scripts are working 100% fine. Nginx indexes index.html as index but DOES NOT find index.php and returns 404, even though…
Jezis Marja
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Nginx error_page not serving php files

I'm trying to set up a 404 file which handles unknown url requests using the error_page directive, the file im trying to root it to is a .php file which is in the same directory as the route. The problem i cannot figure out is that as soon as i…
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nginx vhosts 404 50x custom pages with assets. Need rewrite?

I have a nginx config with about 10 vhosts, and I want to have them all share custom 404 and 50x and maintenance error pages. The nginx is a reverse proxy serving angular index.html and I'm a bit confused on how to get the error_page 404 /oops/root…
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How to handle these 404 errors that look like SQL errors / hacking attempts?

I have an E-commerce site (built on OpenCart I'm using an SEO pack plugin that keeps a list of 404 errors, so we can make redirects. As of a couple of weeks ago, I keep seeing a LOT of 404s that don't even look like links: 999999.9…
1 answer

Install Sonerezh as a subdomain in Nginx

when installing Sonerezh it indicates to me that it does not find install. I put the configuration code of the subdomain musica: server { ## Escucha en el puerto 80 (HTTP) listen 80; server_name…
Isaac Palacio
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Need help on Nginx redirects for old url pattern now 404

How to redirect old urls with capturing only the variable end and add multiple possible targets before OLD URLS ... TO …