Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
1 answer

Nginx + Express app in subdirectory/location, returning 404

I want to make an express app accessible through and use nginx as a reverse proxy as well as to serve static files. This is my nginx configuration: upstream app { server localhost:3333; } server { listen 80; …
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Why are my error logs full of 404s for "adult" content?

Idly perusing my site's error logs this morning, I was shocked to discover that a large number of rather explicit had been requested. (I don't mind telling you that I very nearly sprayed my cold brew all over the screen!) 2020-05-08 02:16:13 UTC…
Tom Wright
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1 answer

How do I fix the applet exceptions on new Tomcat install (with Apache)?

I got my Tomcat install to work and now I can receive JSP generated HTML web pages. However, my applet, that works in 'appletViewer' is throwing exceptions. I suspect one of two area for problems in my setup / configuration: path I am storing my…
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Can't configure a clone of Crowd - /crowd/console/ Not Found

I'm attempting to create an instance of Crowd, mirroring its Live counterpart for our Testing environment. I've cloned the container and changed some few key configuration, as described below. The problem is that while the URL loads this test…
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IIS 8.5 getting 404 for some images and not others in same folder

I've seen a number of posts about getting a 404 for all files or all files of a certain type. In my case, some files can be accessed and some can't. I open IIS, click on the website and switch to Content View. I right click on an image and click…
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php-fpm couldn't find script until I moved in a specific directory

This morning I had a strange problem about finding php script files with Nginx and Php-fpm. I solved it, but I didn't understand what the problem actually was. Some details: I'm on Arch Linux and using PHP-FPM 7.3.9 and Nginx 1.16.1. I wanted to try…
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NginX redirect not working properly

I set up a redirecrt for NginX like this: location / { try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite; } location @rewrite { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?permalink=$1 last; } it is working fine for thousands of links but for few it does not Some of the links…
Igor Mizak
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How to block attempts for phpMyAdmin?

I converted my website from to .net core and host on same server. Now, website gets hundred of hits daily from different IP's trying to access like below /php-myadmin/ /wp-content/ /mysql/ None of these directories exist on my website, I…
1 answer

Squid negative_ttl not working

Setup $ squid -v Squid Cache: Version 3.5.20 Service Name: squid configure options: '--build=x86_64-koji-linux-gnu' '--host=x86_64-koji-linux-gnu' '--program-prefix=' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin'…
Paul Draper
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0 answers

nginx returns 404 although the server is running and log files are being written. In the root it returns 403. Details inside

I'm not a sysadmin, I'm just a vision programmer who's trying to set up his friend's API in a localhost. I'm using nginx, and the config file my friend gave me was this: server { listen **.48.37.125:443 ssl http2; server_name…
1 answer

404 Response from NGINX when trying to setup mediawiki short urls

I have NGINX setup to serve content over localhost with HTTPS. Using the following location block, I can serve mediawiki just fine (it is in the /w folder) location ~ /w/(.*)(\.php)?$ { index index.php index.html; try_files $uri $uri.php…
1 answer

Nginx + Passenger: Cache 404 urls

Context I have a Rails app with a nginx server and Passenger. The app is dynamically generating pages based from the request url: if the url exists in the database the app renders the corresponding page. Or if the url does not exist in the database…
0 answers

404 routing issue - AWS Linux Wordpress site

We are running a WordPress site on a AWS EC2 Linux instance and have created custom 403 and 404 error files (both html files). The files are located in the root of the website. The root .htaccess file has been amended to include the following…
3 answers

Argument for providing 200 response on non-existent file

Does it ever make sense for a server to provide a 200 response when a GET request is made for a non-existent file? Shouldn't the response always be a 404? Here's the response header: {'Date': 'Tue, 08 Jan 2019 22:56:26 GMT', 'Server': 'Apache',…
1 answer

.htaccess throw 404 and then 301 on nonexistent path

Currently I have this set up in my .httaccess RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(php|html|txt|js|css|png|jpe?g|gif|svg|woff|ico|csv|xml|pdf|gzip) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?$ RewriteRule (.*) /$1.php [L,R=301] so…