Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
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404 .php page response nginx + php fpm

I just made a fresh install of a server with nginx with php5-fpm. Why if you visit a php page that doesn't exist you get a blank page instead of the default "not found" page of nginx? Shouldn't this be handle by the nginx webserver like non php…
1 answer

Why servers error log states lots of file doesn't exist, but files are accessible and website works well

we migrated our website onto VPS server (CentOS 5.6 + Plesk 9.5), everything works nice, but one strange thing that i noticed in Plesk, is error_log file, most of the time it filled up with hundreds entries like: ... [Thu Aug 10 11:35:48 2011]…
2 answers

Cant hit defined virtual host on default mac installation - Please help?

*Cant for the life of me figure out whats wrong here. Problem: Typing transitap.local yields in a 404 error. System: Mac OSX10.7 My /etc/hosts file: ## # Host Database # # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface # when the system is…
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Apache mod_rewrite to return a 404 except one directory

I'm trying to configure Apache to return a default 404 page when the / of DocumentRoot is called, except for some directories in that DocumentRoot Unfortunately, I'm getting a 404 even for the directories that have been specified in the RewriteCond…
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How can I make Tomcat 6 show the real error instead of a 404?

For deploying and troubleshooting an application, getting 404s has little use. I have deployed applications that report no issue in the logs but return 404s. There IS an error in the application as I've found it through some trial and error. Is…
Nick Swarr
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IP's requesting long gone files

I released an app almost a year ago that worked by requesting data from some php scripts on my server. That app no longer does this and the php files have been removed. Yet several people still have the app running and my server gets several hundred…
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IIS 7.0 404 Custom Error Page and web.config

I am having trouble with a custom 404 error page. I have a domain running a .NET proj with it's own error handling. I have a web.config running for the domain which contains:
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HTTP 404 Checking Service

I'm looking for an online service that crawls your site reliably and reports back on HTTP 404s, Page not Found errors. I don't want to install any software but just get an e-mail when a 404 is present on a couple of sites without trawling through…
Jonathan Ross
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update nginx status code

I want nginx to handle 404 error status and redirect them to another domain. In headers "Location:" is updated but status is still 404 but should be 301. Here is my code : # error handling error_page 404 @404; log_not_found…
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Adding a GET parameter to URL causes 404 error

I'm trying to install the syntaxhighlightter evolved plugin to my wordpress blog. I've uploaded and activated the plugin, but it did not work. I've looked into the page source code and found out that the plugin style is loaded from the following…
Adrian Grigore
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Getting 404s On WordPress Site, But Only From IE With Friendly Error Messages Turned On

I'm receiving 404 Page Not Found errors (80% of the time) on any links off of, but only for IE browsers, and only if "Friendly Error Messages" is turned on. Go into IE settings and turn off "Friendly Error Messages", and the…
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IIS 6 produces a 404 error whenever I try to access a php file (PHP 5.3.5)

This seems to be a frequent issue of IIS users who are trying to setup php - I guess I'm not an exception here. I followed serveral tutorials online for setting up PHP, and I am pretty sure that I have everything setup as how it should be...…
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mod_ReWrite to remove part of a URL

Someone has incorrectly linked to some of my urls causing 404 erros in Google Webmaster Tools. Here is an example Linked URL: Correct URL: I would like to 301 redirect…
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How can I enable IIS to run Perl scripts?

we're trying to get awstats up and running on our IIS6 server. awstats is running fine and generating output and all that jazz... no problem there. When trying to change the selected month/year in the output page though, it is trying to run…
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WSGI: get status 200 OK instead of 404

what's wrong with the following WSGI setup based on Apache 2.2, Windows and mod_wsgi 3.3? The problem is that the client gets an OK response status even visiting URLs that don't have an associated application (e.g. http://wsgi/any), instead of 404…
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