Questions tagged [heroku]

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications that features a Git-based deployment strategy, a large number of services offered as add-ons, and a full API.

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications. It features, among other things:

Git-based deployment strategy

Applications on Heroku are managed with Git. Simply pushing your codebase to Heroku is all it takes to deploy your application.


Heroku offers a growing number of add-ons via its add-on provider program. Additional services, such as error tracking and reporting, incoming and outgoing email services, hosted no-SQL databases and more is available via a few clicks or commands on the prompt.

Fully Managed, Multi-Tenant Architecture

Heroku's architecture is designed to keep your app running smoothly with minimal interaction on your part. The Heroku site has a detailed explanation of its architecture.

Full API

All of Heroku's functionality can be accessed from the command line (via the Heroku gem), including managing SSH keys, increasing or decreasing the number of dynos, managing SSL certificates, adding or removing add-ons, and more.

210 questions
0 answers

Should I have a heroku worker dyno for poll a AWS SQS?

Im confusing about where should I have a script polling an Aws Sqs inside a Rails application. If I use a thread inside the web app probably it will use cpu cycles to listen this queue forever and then affecting performance. And if I reserve a…
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1 answer

How do I back up my rails database on the fly?

I have been looking for a way to back up my app's database which is hosted by heroku. It uses an sqlite database. What I am looking for is a way to add a button on my site which will allow me to download the database as an sqlite file. I am sure…
Danny Dyla
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SSL/https setup for address rather than my actual domain

I have a subdomain of my site pointed to a rails app at I bought a certificate from godaddy and seem to have that all set up correctly. So that when I go to: or it's redirected…
Kevin K
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2 answers

Adding SSL to Heroku site post launch

I have a rails API that I want to deploy on Heroku. $20/month for a SSL site on heroku is a little steep given I am not earning anything out of this app yet. I am after advice and wondering if it is possible to add SSL sometime in the future? This…
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Migrating part of my domain's services to Heroku, part on my VPS

I have a virtual private server (VPS) with several services running on it -- most notably email and a Django web application with it's software stack (MySQL, Apache, etc.). The VPS has a domain name assigned to it and an SSL certificate for it's…
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2 answers

MaxClients exceeded on Heroku

Our Heroku app went down for a period of time yesterday. The error message in our logs: [error] server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting I checked the httpd.conf to see what the MaxClients setting was, and this is…
Brad Koch
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1 answer

Splitting rsyslog messages into files based on source (heroku drain)

I set up a heroku log drain, which sends messages to port 514 on my logging instance. The log server sends the messages /var/log/syslog, though, and I'd like it to send them to /var/log/appname.log or something so that they're isolated. How do I do…
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1 answer

SSL with hosted multi-tenant apps

I have a website that lets users create a subdomain app like this: I want them to be able to have the app appear as if it's on their site, like this: or…
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3 answers

Why aren't Heroku syslog drains logging to rsyslogd?

I'm having a problem using syslog drains as described in To summarize, I have an Ubuntu 10.04 instance on EC2 that is running rsyslogd. I've also set up the security groups as they describe, and added…
2 answers

How to prepare for a huge spike in traffic for launching a website hosted on Heroku?

I am getting ready to launch a site I've been working on, and am talking to some bloggers. It's planned to go live next week and press will write about it when it does. But the thing is, this is my first time launching something that I've coded…
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1 answer

mysql error : "cant connect to local mysql server through socket

Taps Server Error: Mysql::Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) I get this error whenever I try to push my local mysql to heroku postgres. It seems that mysql is misconfigured and that windows…
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3 answers

Heroku SSL: Pem is invalid / Key doesn't match the Pem certificate

I bought a SSL certificate and I'm following this tutorial. I created the key file. then transformed it to CSR then added it to Gandi website and waited for the CRT. then removed the password from the key ===> result : [FINAL KEY] then…
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2 answers

How to set up mysql storage for certain rsyslog input matches?

I'm draining various logs from Heroku to an rsyslog linux (ubuntu) server and am starting to have a little more to bite off than I can chew in terms of working with my log histories. I am needing to be able drill back in time based on more flexible…
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1 answer

ASIHttpRequest duplicate request on heroku

I have an iphone app using ASIHttpRequest. The server code is on heroku in node.js From time to time, a single request is sent from the iphone (only one trace) app but it is received twice on herokuapp (I can see twice the same request in the heroku…
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1 answer

Is it possible to use one wildcard subdomain for both Web and Incoming Email?

Is it possible to use one wildcard subdomain for both web and incoming email? So, for instance: => handled by web server => handled by email server I am using Sendgrid for incoming email, and…