Questions tagged [heroku]

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications that features a Git-based deployment strategy, a large number of services offered as add-ons, and a full API.

Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Python, PHP and JVM-based (Java, Scala, etc.) applications. It features, among other things:

Git-based deployment strategy

Applications on Heroku are managed with Git. Simply pushing your codebase to Heroku is all it takes to deploy your application.


Heroku offers a growing number of add-ons via its add-on provider program. Additional services, such as error tracking and reporting, incoming and outgoing email services, hosted no-SQL databases and more is available via a few clicks or commands on the prompt.

Fully Managed, Multi-Tenant Architecture

Heroku's architecture is designed to keep your app running smoothly with minimal interaction on your part. The Heroku site has a detailed explanation of its architecture.

Full API

All of Heroku's functionality can be accessed from the command line (via the Heroku gem), including managing SSH keys, increasing or decreasing the number of dynos, managing SSL certificates, adding or removing add-ons, and more.

210 questions
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How can I set up a build server that accepts git pushes (Heroku style)?

A lot of services designed for running lightweight apps on clusters (Flynn, Deis, Dokku) are following Heroku's deployment standard of adding a git remote and pushing to it when you want to build and/or deploy an application. The build output is…
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Getting `HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported` when using `openssl s_client`

I'm trying to use openssl s_client to send a raw HTTPS request. I type this: $ openssl s_client -connect After it finishes the SSL pleasantries, I type this: POST HTTP/1.1 But then it…
Ram Rachum
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Splitting an application across AWS and Heroku

My application is currently 100% managed by Heroku. A few endpoints on the application depend on very slow external resources. Heroku occasionally kills these requests if they hit 30 seconds.[1] Unfortunately, the speed of these requests is out of…
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Rsyslog: stopping after 1047 file descriptors opened on a centralized log server using TCP

We have heroku drains dumping to 1 log server. There are a lot of instances (~100) sending their logs to this server using TCP. The Server filters the logs based on hostname and puts them into a directory named with the hostname. Everything works…
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Fasthosts and Heroku

I have an app on Heroku, for which I have pointed a Cname record to both the www and naked domain. However this is creating a problem when people try to reply to our emails from that domain. They are being routed through Heroku somehow - it is only…
Ralph King
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Heroku and MySQLi Custom Buildpack

I am in the process of trying to get mysqli on heroku to run my php application. I know this can be done using custom buildpacks, but I am stuck. I have forked the canned heroku php buildpack and have started digging through that and I think I need…
Travis Stoll
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2 answers

Is it possible to manually specify an alternative Procfile on Heroku?

I have a repository which can be deployed in two modes: one is a front-end web application, while the other is a data manipulating process which runs non-stop, 24x7. The application runs on Django and connects to a Postgres database. For…
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Investigating concurrency problems on Heroku

I'm having trouble with a Rails application on Heroku. The number of requests per minute it can handle has suddenly dropped SHARPLY. I'm looking for a list of things to investigate for how to fix this, as we're releasing today and everything I've…
2 answers

How to set up hosting on Heroku and email forwarders on a WHM (cPanel)?

I'm using DNSimple for managing my records, hosting my site at Heroku and I want to use a Linux WHM (cPanel) for managing emails forwarding. Hosting works, but I'm having a hard time getting emails to work. Here are my (pseudo-)records: Type Name…
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Heroku : Support of InnoDB

Does Heroku supports MySQL (esp. InnoDB database engine) ? I see there is ClearDB add-on, but it didn't state it supports InnoDB or not.
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Running a private lookup server on a single web dyno that is accessible (v. low latency) to all other dyno's in app?

Is it possible to have a web dyno that runs simple web server listening on a chosen port, that's not accessible from the outside world, but is addressable from all other dyno's (web & worker) in the app? Basically, I have a web app with several web…
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Benefits of Heroku Postgres

Heroku Postgres seems like a nice service, that eases the pain of database management. Personally I have no experience in managing DB clusters, so that's why I like the service very much. However, I was wondering if anyone could provide some…
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Nginx Reverse Proxy to Heroku Application

Is it possible to use Nginx on my personal VPS to act as a reverse proxy in front of Heroku (running a Ruby on Rails app)? I'd like to do this because I want to route standard requests (i.e. GET to my Rails app, but various…
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How to have shared DNS setup for custom domain with Heroku?

I asked a question on why my custom domain with Heroku was not working here: Why can’t my custom domain on Heroku be resolved? However, the background of this question was, that I wanted to have a CNAME entry for pointing to heroku,…
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Heroku custom domain name

Hi I registered a domain name on "Europe Registry", it's a .eu domain name. I tried to edit the DNS section of my account on Europe Registry and managed to establish a 301 permanent redirect to which worked fine. However I'd like…
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