Questions tagged [helpdesk]

Helpdesks are often the first tier of technical support. A typical Helpdesk receives calls or self-service style requests for assistance and services its customers remotely rather than traveling and working face to face.

Helpdesks are often the first tier of technical support, and are nearly always the primary customer-facing area of IT. A typical Helpdesk receives calls or self-service style requests for assistance and services its customers remotely rather than traveling and working face to face. Some Helpdesks primarily service employees of the company they are employed by, and others are intended to assist external customers.

The bread and butter of the Helpdesk is performing known-error fixes such as password resets and common application errors, as well as fulfilling requests for software installations and access to shared resources. If a user's needs exceed the scope of the Helpdesk, that issue is escalated to tier-2 and tier-3 support for further assistance.

28 questions
9 answers

Good free Helpdesk software?

looking for good free or open-source Help Desk software. And by Help Desk Software I don't mean development issue tracking (which is slightly different), I mean software that is optimised towards tracking support requests from the user base of a…
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7 answers

What features to you like to see in a help desk product?

This question is for the professional sys admins and desktop support folks. Sorry can go talk about bug tracking on Stack Overflow. What type of features or functionally do you like or would you like to have in your help desk or…
Doug Luxem
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11 answers

Inexpensive Remote Assistance software?

Any recommendations for Remote Assistance software that does not require firewall modification for clients? To assist client with software problems and perform training, we currently use a tool called Remote Helpdesk to connect to their computers…
Beep beep
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3 answers

Spiceworks versus Request Tracker?

We currently utilize Request Tracker for help desk ticketing, we utilize Spiceworks for asset inventorying. I am pondering whether it might be worthwhile to move from RT to Spiceworks for help desk as well. Has anyone used both systems and can…
David Mackey
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8 answers

Ho do you view all your monitoring software

In my office I have all our monitoring tools setup and working great, but I dont have an easy way to view them. I have a large TV in my office plugged into an old PC that has my nagios status page always showing. If I need to change anything on…
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5 answers

How to manage Infrastructure projects vs Helpdesk

In pretty much any IT dept that manages a network, you have to find a way to balance time between Helpdesk calls (frequent, simple things like 'I cant print') and longer term infrastructure projects (re-organising mailboxes, upgrading software and…
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2 answers

Can I stop monitoring a Host if it's OFF, and turn monitoring ON when it's ON?

I was wondering if there's a possibility that Nagios could stop monitoring a host if it's OFF, and turn monitoring ON when it's ON? The idea was to use my Nagios server that will monitor if a CLIENTserver is OFF through a script which uses an API,…
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3 answers

What are the best tools for implementing ITIL?

If you have implemented ITIL into your company's IT Service Management processes, what tools have you found to provide the smoothest transition, to manage the processes best and to provide the best management information?
Sam Meldrum
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6 answers

Best practices for helpdesk/ticketing system category trees

Has anyone who's ever configured a helpdesk/ticketing system ever been through the same iterative process around creating the "right" ticket categories? Revision 1: Infrastructure Server Citrix Windows…
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10 answers

HelpDesk software suggestions

I'm looking for a very solid, ideally Web 2.0 Help Desk software for my IT service company. I've looked at various options, including Help Spot & Zendesk, however none of them really 'tick' the boxes. Ideally I'm looking for something that doesn't…
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4 answers

Network install all versions of windows for univeristy IT help desk

I work at the help desk for students, faculty and staff at a large university. As part of our daily operations we see ourselves installing every version of windows (xp, vista, 7; both 32 and 64 bit of each) and we are trying to find a way to reduce…
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1 answer

Open-source HelpDesk solution for Windows?

I'm looking for an open-source HelpDesk solution with the following features: CAS or direct AD integration Different priorities for different tickets KB generation (from tickets and manually) Email support (create, reply via email) Client can view…
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1 answer

Best open-source HelpDesk software?

Good morning, I'm currently researching 3 different open-source HelpDesk solutions, and am interesting in hearing your experiences with them, to help me decide which to implement in a small-sized IT environment. The ones I'm comparing are: Request…
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6 answers

What Trouble Ticket system would you recommend?

Possible Duplicate: What are some good web based trouble ticket systems? Hi I am looking for a simple trouble ticketing system for my small software development company. It should be web based, preferrably an open source for self hosting, but…
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2 answers

Help desk software - specific feature needed

I am having a hard time finding help desk software that allows for drop down hyperlink selection during ticket creation. The situation is that we do external support for client systems and connect via remotely anywhere or logmein. Right now we use a…
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