Questions tagged [helpdesk]

Helpdesks are often the first tier of technical support. A typical Helpdesk receives calls or self-service style requests for assistance and services its customers remotely rather than traveling and working face to face.

Helpdesks are often the first tier of technical support, and are nearly always the primary customer-facing area of IT. A typical Helpdesk receives calls or self-service style requests for assistance and services its customers remotely rather than traveling and working face to face. Some Helpdesks primarily service employees of the company they are employed by, and others are intended to assist external customers.

The bread and butter of the Helpdesk is performing known-error fixes such as password resets and common application errors, as well as fulfilling requests for software installations and access to shared resources. If a user's needs exceed the scope of the Helpdesk, that issue is escalated to tier-2 and tier-3 support for further assistance.

28 questions
1 answer

Need to apply a role to users that allows for installation/updating of apps on Azure connected PC

We are a small company using Azure AD. The vast majority of our employees are remote and we need them to be able to install/update apps on their PC's without requiring an Admin login every single time, since that requires us to remotely control…
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My dedicated server won't startup

I tried almost everything (I am with soyoustart) but it just won't boot, I got this message from the soyoustart team, they won't help me since it's software related. (dedicated server is used for game server and for my website) my root partition was…
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out of office exception

We're using trackit for our helpdesk. Our problem is, that as soon as trackit sends a mail to a user about e.g. the progress of a ticket (closed, resolved and so on) and the recipient has configured his "out of office" auto reply, trackit appends…
Alexander Baltasar
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2 answers

Has anyone seen this Issue Tracking software feature before?

We're looking to get some software written if we can't find one on the market. Has anyone ever seen Issue Tracking Software that allows the user to log their own issue on a website? One where they have to choose the category of their problem? The…
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Mail ticket system for suport / helpdesk with IMAP SSL suport (certificates)

I have been looking for some helpdesk (OpenSource or free) that I can use with the support of IMAP mail with SSL and certificates. If is coded in PHP all will be easier (for me). I've tried "eTicket Support" and "osTicket" and they are not…
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3 answers

What are some good hosted issue tracking systems for non-developers?

This question is similar to Good Open Source issue tracking systems for non-developers but in our case, we would prefer a hosted solution. The users are end-users, on the low end of computer literate, non developers. We have around 5 support…
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0 answers

Free storage space in amazon open search data node is low and others nodes has more than enough free space

In my AWS open search i am using 8 data nodes ( and 3 master nodes ( and each data nodes has allocated to a space of 200gb each. And also added my shard value as 4.When i checked the open search dash board i could…
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1 answer

Forward DNS local to Jira URL

I want to redirect my old helpdesk domain to Jira URL (, it's a simple forwarding and don't want to keep the old URL . I tried to do a CNAME but it didn't work . I have an AD DNS and external DNS…
1 answer

Not able to access groovy variable inside shell script in JenkinsFile

def NAMESPACE = "Dev" def BODY= sh( script:'''body=$(cat <<-EOF { "name": "${NAMESPACE}", "type": "regularwebapp" } EOF ) (echo $body)''', returnStdout: true ).trim() The above doesnt work, output is as follows: { "name": "", …
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3 answers

Invoke-RestMethod returns 400 error no matter what I do

So I'm working on a helpdesk automation with the Samanage API and need to update the "state" of the ticket. I've read the documentation and there is nothing i saw for updating the ticket state. My Code is below: import-module dbatools # Import…
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How to check the udp port is accessible in an Ubuntu machine which is protected by a firewall

We were trying to install "Big blue button" in an Ubuntu server with a firewall. For installation, we need these UDP ports ("16384-32768") should be opened in the firewall. But we don't know whether the udp ports are opened or not in the firewall.…
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Web page generating error on SQL stored procedure

I am a total newbie to SQL. I am a networking specialist so like most smaller IT positions I kind of got this problem dropped into my lap. I have been able to pinpoint some issue through event logs and research but I am still stumped as to this…
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2 answers

WordPress-based ticketing systems?

I have been asked to set up a ticketing/help desk system for a small nonprofit. Our server runs Debian GNU/Linux. Because we already have WordPress installed and plan to exploit it heavily going forward, I'm wondering whether there are any WP-based…
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