Questions tagged [google-cloud-shell]

21 questions
3 answers

default ssh is not working from GCP Console and browser crashes or hang

After creating an instance in Google Cloud Platform(GCP), I was able to click on SSH and open the browser based SSH console to access the instance. (Auto key copying and connect from console itself without a local ssh client) But I noticed this is…
1 answer

Google cloud sdk error : token exchange failed

I am totally new to Google Cloud. I am trying to push a Docker image on Google Cloud Registry. I have performed following steps : Installed Google Cloud SDK. Downloaded a JSON key file for my IM account Set authentication using following…
0 answers

How to auto init direnv on Google Cloud Shell?

my .bashrc has these lines at the bottom: if [ -f $HOME/tools/bashrc ]; then source $HOME/tools/bashrc fi and $HOME/tools/bashrc has this code at the bottom: eval "$(pyenv init -)" pyenv virtualenvwrapper_lazy eval "$(direnv hook…
1 answer

Can I hook up my Google Compute Engine VM to Cloud Shell?

I am wondering if there is a way to hook up my Google Compute Engine VM to Cloud Shell. The purpose is so that I can edit files in my VM using Cloud Shell editor. Thanks.
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scp to google cloud-shell fails (ssh works)

I'm trying to use scp to copy a large file over to cloud shell. Using the suggested command from this SO answer gcloud alpha cloud-shell scp \ localhost:~/Sites/my-app/big_file cloudshell:~/big_file But even though I can see it adding a key for…
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3 answers

web servers attached on front end of HTTP(s) Load Balancer

I am very new to the google cloud platform. How do I make sure to attach webservers to the front end of a HTTP(s) load balancer, from the gcloud console? When finishing a challenge qwiklab on the google cloud platform, I run into this problem - the…
1 answer

google-cloud-sdk - This account has no projects

When I accessed the project of a company that is a member from the Cloud SDK in the Gsuite account, it returned "This account has no projects." Logging in with the browser, I can log in to the company's project without problems. How can we solve…
2 answers

Recover Google Cloud Shell Home Directory

My G Suite user which I log into GCP with has been renamed from to I have now logged back into Cloud Shell and my home directory content is gone. Is there any way of recovering this? Thanks
1 answer

How to get Google Cloud Shell within Firefox ESR 52.5.0 on CentOS6 to work reliably?

In a single browser window, Google Cloud Shell only lets me have one instance that is not corrupt. Screenshots explain. Is there something one can do using Firefox 57 Quantum on Windows 10 or Firefox ESR 52.5.0 on CentOS6 to have multiple google…
0 answers

gcloud compute commands sometimes getting stuck in WSL

I am running various gcloud compute commands from the linux subsystem on Windows 11 using Debian. In general, it works great. However, sometimes the gcloud command simply does not return, even after several minutes. Sometimes it happens once,…
0 answers

Why am I getting 'Unable to connect to the server: context deadline exceeded' error when creating GKE job?

am trying to create a GKE job by following the instructions in the official documentation. I am doing it though via Cloud Shell. I have created the yaml file, however when I run the command: kubectl apply -f config.yaml I am getting the following…
1 answer

Can find RSA private key for uploading my SSL certificate to Google App Engine

Right now I am trying to upload a SSL certificate from GoDaddy so That I am able to enable HTTPS for my custom domain name for the website hosted on the app. Whenever, I try to upload the SSL certificate I am able to use the PEM file that came with…
0 answers

Where can I find and access my vm django instance files?

I create a vm instance from marketplace called djangostack I can connect to the files on ssh button on Compute engine page! But how can I access the files of that django and re-write codes and do the other stuff? cause I only can reach the files by…
0 answers

“Google cloud shell is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting in a few minutes.” error

tried to restart the cloud shell or using admin account still get the same return. I am still using trial credit and locate in South East Asia. Any idea on this error ?
1 answer

Permanent storage in GCP Cloud Shell lost

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers an interactive shell with free permanent storage of 5GB. The only condition to keep it is to connect to it at least every 90 days. If you let this time pass, you are supposed to receive a warning email before your…