Questions tagged [google-cloud-datastore]

5 questions
2 answers

Google Datastore Backup causes errors

We are performing backups for our Google Datastore documents through a cron as describere here. The database is about 55GB including indices and we do a full backup every 24 hours. The bucket we save into belongs to another project. The backups…
1 answer

Google Cloud Datastore showing up as compute engine in usage reports

I have been using datastore for some weeks now and can't see any record of it in the usage reports, but i do have lots of "Compute Engine API" items. I am not running App Engine, i have my server on Digital Ocean. Is this because datastore runs on a…
1 answer

DataPrep:How to reuse the recipe for multiple datasets

This is a DATAPREP Question: I had to use google-cloud-datastore Tag as there is no Tag available for google-cloud-dataprep Question: I am using Dataprep to clean my data. I have multiple datasets(15) with the same structure/headers. I want to use…
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0 answers

Gcloud beta emulators datastore. WARNING: Stream Error. Stream closed before write could take place

I have a project on google app engine technologies using datastore, written in py38 For local development, I use and also a google data warehouse emulator…
0 answers

Unable to identify which quota is being exceeded from error logs

During increased traffic my API which runs on Cloud Run gives the error copied below. My best guess is that this is due to some Cloud Datastore call since any calls to this Cloud Run instance which does not use Datastore does not give this error…