Line 54:             <providers>
Line 55:                 <clear/>
Line 56:                 <add name="RolesProvider" type="Eacademy.Library.Membership.CustomRoleProvider, Eacademy" />
Line 57:             </providers>
Line 58:         </roleManager>

error on line 56 on IIS7 server GoDaddy. shared host at medium trust. I am uploading an ASP.NET MVC website. This works on my local machine.

here is the error http://aivan.info/

Aivan Monceller
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1 Answers1


Have you set "Copy Local" in Visual Studio on the Eacademy assembly? (Right click on the Assembly in Visual Studio and see the property "Copy Local" - prob needs to be True here since the Eacademy stuff is prob not already on GoDaddy.)