Questions tagged [gmail]

Free e-mail service offered by Google. Mail can be accessed through webmail or through the POP3 or IMAP4 protocols.

611 questions
1 answer

Our email bounces (550 5.7.26 Unauthenticated email from [mydomain])

Our company uses Gsuite for gmail. But during the past months we have gotten more of our sent mails put in the recipient´s trashbin. I guess my domain has gotten into a spam list, but I dont know how to fix it Now we only get bounced emails and this…
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Disable or override GSuite "Verify its you" function

Theres a weird issue I can't find any solution for: in an organization that is using GSuite admin can't open a mailbox for a fired employee. I mean we can reset password etc but while logging in there's "Verify its you" prompt that will send sms to…
Cyrill U
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2 answers

Running your own email-server for multiple domains on single IP

I'm doing a little research on how you can run your own e-mail server for your domain. I know that you can use Zoho, or gmail, or any other alternative. However, I'm wondering if it's possible to do it on your own - especially for a non-busy…
Val Petruchek
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1 answer

GMail not allowing "send mail as", saying Server returned error: "TLS Negotiation failed, the certificate doesn't match the host., code: 0"

So I am trying to set up my GMail account so I can send emails so they appear to come from various addresses in my small handful of domains. When I click on the "Save Changes" button I get the following error: Authentication failed. Please check…
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Postfix not send emails to remote MX Record (same domain in localhost)

I have a domain with configured in a postfix server, these domain have configured MX records to Google Suite In the postfix server i have the user: In Google Suite I have the user: The MX record…
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How to get gmail to use postfix as an SMTP server

I'm trying to get gmail to send email from my vanity domain - it understandably wants to use an SMTP server set up for that domain. I tried to configure postfix to be an SMTP server for my vanity domain, but in gmail I keep getting authentication…
Steven Hook
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Does Gmail require TLS for receiving mail?

I am currently working on sending e-mail in PHP directly with stream_socket_client(). This is working pretty well so far. I am able to send HTML e-mail with a DKIM signature that passes all the tests on Mail is being…
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Why are my Postfix mails recognized as Spam?

I have a Postfix mail that I have configured pretty good. gives me a 10/10. I have tested on both Google and Yahoo, and checked their headers. Nothing seems to be wrong in the headers. Authentication-Results:…
1 answer

Gmail couldn't verify that actually sent this message (and not a spammer)

I'm having problems with delivery of emails from an application on a web server to Gmail. Gmail is displaying a round circle with a question mark, instead of the first letter of the sender, and hovering over it gives the message in this post's…
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A business email puzzle: Can you combine gmail for staff emails, with another server for a larger-volume sendgrid emails?

We use Google for Business for our staff emails. But we also want to send out automated emails as part of a web-app. Gmail limits the number of emails you can send with a cap (a few hundred a day?), and the automated emails will exceed that. Is it…
1 answer

GSuite displaying "via" next to name after DNS change

After changing over to Cloudflare GSuite has been adding "via" next to the names of incoming emails. After a quick Google search I found this: However my DMARC reads: v=DMARC1; p=none; This is…
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Postfix relay outgoing emails based on recipient

I'm having trouble with Microsoft rejecting all our emails, I've contacted the Deliverability Support 3 times and 3 times they've told me that there's no problem with our IP and that I should join the Smart Network Data Services (SNDS)…
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Is it possible to use Gmail as a postfix relay with virtual domains?

As I'm getting more and more frustrated with attempting to use sendmail to send web app emails that won't be flagged as spam, I've turned my attention to using postfix instead. I've found this Linode guide describing how to use Gmail as a relay for…
4 answers

Polling from gmail activated domains

I m trying to poll email from an email address like "", this service is provided by gmail only. If i give "" as pop servername it's saying "authentication failed". Now where do I find the pop3 servername &…
1 answer

after changing nameserver email not coming, Got domain from godaddy, site hosted on hostgator and gmail service from Google suite

We have developed a new site with external developer, and they have hosted website on to host they have given names servers, in Godaddy manage DNS I have selected custom name server and put both the name servers, now we have stop…
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