Questions tagged [geolocation]

Geolocation is determining the approximate or exact physical location of a person or object.

Geolocation is determining the approximate or exact physical location of a person or object.

81 questions
1 answer

How to block website for all countries except US and Canada

I have a website which is only for US and Canada visitors. I don't want to make it visible to other visitors. I want to use Geo targeting solution but I have a amazon hosting it did return current user IP Address so is there any way to getting user…
Dileep Kumar
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4 answers

IP addresses and geographical locations

A colleague of mine asked whether IP addresses could be "approximated" to physical location. As with most IT questions, "it depends" was a response I used frequently. Is there a service or program that can take a list of IP addresses and…
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nginx geo location module configuration using geo database?

I've setup nginx as a reverse proxy for a couple of apache backend/upstream servers. Using the GeoLite database from MaxMind, I'm trying to loadbalance requests between the two servers dependent on the clients country code. Nginx Configuration: geo…
Elijah Paul
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DNS setup for website on geo redundant servers

Let's say: I have a website written in English and shown on The website is on a US server now (based on cPanel/WHM) at the IP address I can manage the DNS of using a control panel to add/modify any records:…
Marco Demaio
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2 answers

How do I direct users to a specific IP without having a single point of failure?

We would like to mirror our site in the UK and the US for two reasons. So that... The site is fast for users located in either America/Europe. So that if either server goes down, the user can still access the website. As for data sharing between…
Nick Bolton
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Can I write log output of my choice from the Apache configuration (based on rewrite conditions)?

I have some content that is only available to people who pass a GeoIP lookup and match certain countries. This is done by mod_rewrite and it all works well. What I would like to do is log failed attempts, to help debug people who should be able to…
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0 answers

GDPR and Office 365

We have are based in Australia and have a new office in London. Due to GDPR, we are keeping UK data hosted in the UK, meaning we need to create a new Office 365 tenant for them. We are too small (<2500 users) to use Office 365…
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0 answers

high-availability proxy with redirection based on location / ip-range

I've been using HAProxy for quite a while but recently got this issue that I don't really know how to implement/solve. +---------------------------+ client-europe \ | HAProxy europe ( | / data-center-europe …
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4 answers

A script to geo-locate ip addresses in auth.log

Is there a way to automatically geo-locate an ip-address on Ubuntu linux? I'm looking to do this for errors in my auth.log.
C. Ross
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2 answers

Lookup ip geolocation via command line

I've been trying to piece together a quick and dirty script to return the geolocation of a bunch of IP addresses. I'm using and couldn't find a quick wget equivalent for cmd line so using a powershell script for that, calling it from…
1 answer

Heroku geolocation dns and Amazon Route 53

I have an application running on Heroku in 2 regions, eu and us. Let's say: and I would like to setup a geolocation dns that points users to the nearest region when they visit our site at…
0 answers

How often does the geolocation associated to an ordinary IP address usually change?

Can anyone tell me how often should i expect a routable IP address (either v4 or v6) to have its associated geolocation (country + city level) changed, in average? I'm asking this because i'm implementing some analytics features for a web service…
Gabriel S.
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1 answer

DNS, multiple nameservers and geolocation?

Currently, when a DNS client makes a request for a DNS record (say,, it needs to traverse the DNS tree. It asks the root servers for the location of com., which it then asks for the location of, which it then asks for…
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1 answer

Geo fencing, ip address list of different geographies

I need to provide different webpage experiences based on geographies divided as Western, Asian, African audience etc. I plan to do this with Nginx geo module by segmenting ip addresses and routing to the webserver with headers set from the Nginx…
Quintin Par
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2 answers

load balancing IIS7.5 server by geolocation

I have one web site and 3 servers in different location Asia, Europe, US. I am new in this things but what I want to do is implement ARR load balancing by geolocation (like CDN). Anyone know tutorial how to achieve it or from where to start?
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