Questions tagged [geolocation]

Geolocation is determining the approximate or exact physical location of a person or object.

Geolocation is determining the approximate or exact physical location of a person or object.

81 questions
5 answers

How much does the geographical location of DNS servers matter?

We have started to run our own DNS servers located in Asia since that's where our main audience is. However, it seems that some users in the US are having difficulties accessing our website sometimes. I've noticed myself that DNS lookups of our…
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1 answer

Determining the State of a User using their Hostname

Not sure if this is the right SE site. I figured this question doesn't belong on SO, but if you think it doesn't belong here either, I apologize. I've been looking into determining the location, specifically the state, of a user accessing my…
Bailey Parker
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2 answers

If I build a DNS server in three different locations in the world

Does the users will connect automatically to the closer dns server or I need to set something in my records?! Thanks everyone for the help
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3 answers

Redirect based on location, countries and languages: is there a good answer?

I've got a site that needs to have at least two almost identical versions for two different countries/languages, and visitors should access one or the other depending on their location, country or language (in fact, the best answer in my case would…
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1 answer

Lightest IP geolocation technology for static site?

I run a site that is behind a Squid reverse proxy which delivers most of the content cached (including html, not only images, etc.). I need to show a different content for our users located in the US. In order to do that, what solutions do we…
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1 answer

Keeps setting windows-server-2012-r2 up in america (cali) when location is set to australia-southeast1-a

I have just tried to set up 2 back to back servers in Australia but for some reason when the servers deploy they are located in America in California. Any idea how to fix this issue? Both Zones are set to…
0 answers

Geo restriction of nearly all advanced functions for my Multi-Functional Personal Server

First of all, be patient, as this is a pretty deep issue, at least for me. facts: What am i trying to create? A multi-functional personal Debian-based (9.4 x64) server with these functions: 1- A Web Server - Using NginX (with active SSL from Let's…
0 answers

Hosting in germany or switzerland - significant difference?

We are an ecommerce store with 95% of our customers located in switzerland. Right now we are hosting in germany (Servers in Berlin) and thinking about hosting in switzerland. The cost is almost the same - so it´s just a matter of speed. Is there a…
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2 answers

Rent A Virtual Machine

I'm looking to rent access to virtual machines for testing of our online services from areas of the world other than North America. Specifically: Australia, Europe, Japan, South America, and wherever else. I'd love to get some recommendations of…
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1 answer

Nginx as GeoIP Global LoadBalancer and actual distance from app server

my client is using Magento for it's ecommerce global solution. Main country are US / EU / CN. For now only 1 VM in Italy, serving all traffic. I would like to create 3 VMs, one for each country, on AWS or Google Cloud, not important at this…
5 answers

Apache log analyzer that shows client location

Does anyone know of a tool that will analyze an Apache access log and show the location of each client that accessed the site, ideally showing city, state and country on a map in the same way that Google Analytics does ? I've looked at Webalizer…
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1 answer

Azure Geo-Targeted Virtual Machines

I am exploring Azure for some hosting options for a client of mine, and one thing we're looking for is a distributed model, where we'll have VMs sitting on the east and west coast, and when someone visits the site(s), they will go to the servers…
Scott Salyer
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5 answers

Server Systems under Extreme Environmental Conditions

During my study I have to do a student research project about server systems under extreme environmental conditions. Unfortunately I have really no experience with such systems. I already did some research, but not really successful ones. I only…
Manuel Faux
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0 answers

IPTABLES and GEOIP: Show Custom Webpage to Blocked Visitors

Because of legal protection, as a first stage of launching my project I will focus on couple of countries only. The number of supported countries will grow. I know, it is possible to block or allow whole countries through iptables and geoip.…
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1 answer

Are DNS LOC records hidden/secret?

I would like to create some LOC DNS records, and I wanted to know if these records can be queried without knowing the subdomain to which they are attached. For example, it would be fun to have a GeoCache hunt where a clue lists a DNS subdomain with…