Questions tagged [ftp]

File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used to transfer data across TCP-based networks between hosts.

File Transfer Protocol (Wikipedia article) is a protocol, governed by well-established Internet standards, for conducting file operations (e.g. transferring files between two systems) over a TCP-based network such as the Internet or a local area network. FTP employs a client-server architecture, where one system is the "client", which opens a connection to the other system, the "server", the client makes requests of the server, and then closes the connection.

The most common FTP operations that a client will initiate include downloading files (i.e. "get" files from the server) and uploading files (i.e. "put" files on the server). There are a variety of file system related commands that the client request of the server (e.g. making directories, renaming files on the server, deleting files from the server, etc.).

2481 questions
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Unable to set permissions on group files/folders linux

I have a development server I have multiple FTP users accessing and uploading multiple files. I have it working where two users can upload and modify files they created or didn't create. The issue I have is since all the files are owned by the…
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FTP put several directories without overwrite?

I was transferring a few dozen gigs from one PC to another with scp. I got disconnected and double checked and found FTP to be faster (I scp only affected CPU to encrypt) How do I resume my file transfer? I want to copy all of my files recursing…
3 answers

How to limit FTP connections to a certain ip range?

I only want to be able to connect to my unix box via ftp from a small range of ips. other services (i.e., www , mail , ssh) should be from any ip as usual how can i set this up? thanks
1 answer

Configure multiple FTP serves using single public IP

I have around 3 internal FTP servers named server1, server2, server3. I have 1 public static IP address and all the traffic for is directed towards it. Now I need to create a configuration such that if user FTP using…
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Permissions prevent file upload in vsftpd

I want to setup vsftpd to allow a user (foouser) to upload and create directories to /var/www/ with the intention of allowing entire webstites to be uploaded. Current Permissions: Apache runs at www-data. document root is: /var/www/ Permissions are…
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Can't show non-English characters in IIS

All non-English characters show as '?'. I tried SET Allow UTF-8 in IIS to false, but this did not work. My system is Server 2012 r2 — English platform
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Not able to connect to rackspace server via FTP

I've Wordpress sites hosted in Rackspace server. I'm able able to connect to the server via ssh through port 22. But when i try to connect to the server via FTP through port 21, i'm getting error Response: 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with…
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0 answers

Quickest way to get large number of small files from remote FTP server

In Fintech, the following scenario seems fairly common: You've paid for access to a huge collection of data, but it is made available to you as thousands of little files, each with a footprint in the neighborhood of 300 kB, but altogether amounting…
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2 answers

ProFTPd won't start - proftpd.serviceJob for proftpd.service failed

I'm done - I don't get ProFTPd to start... I tried everything. If I start proftpd with /etc/init.d/proftpd start I get the following: [....] Starting proftpd (via systemctl): proftpd.serviceJob for proftpd.service failed. See 'systemctl status…
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3 answers

secure methods to upload files to apache?

I 'm a web developer and I need to know which are the most popular and secure methods to upload my files to an Apache production server? I guess that ftp remains out of the list as the password is sent in clear text. I'm thinking if I could tunnel…
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PHP FTP + Passive FTP Server Behind NAT

I tried reaching out on stackoverflow and they referred me here. If you don't mind I am just copy and pasting my original question here: I'm trying to do an ftp upload between my website and a remote server. I'm getting this error PHP Warning:…
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2 answers

ftp proxy using FQDN's

I have two servers behind a Watchguard, one is a linux server, one is a windows server. The watch guard forwards http and ftp requests (ports 80, and 21) to a proxy server. I have configured apache on the proxy server so I can proxy the http…
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Check number of current connections/downloads with a remote server

On a compute cluster, I have several hundred jobs running simultaneously. They each download a single different file (wget) from the same remote FTP server, and then process the file and save some computations somewhere. Problem: If the remote…
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Standard FTP Connections From Inside Google Compute Platform

I recently set up a new Windows server inside the Google Compute Engine, and am trying to establish an outbound unsecured FTP connection from the VM to an FTP server hosted on the Internet. I am able to connect and log in, but as soon as I try to…
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2 answers

Cannot telnet into my FTP enabled AWS Windows 2012 R2 server

I've created a new AWS server (Windows 2012 R2) and I'm not able to login into the server using telnet, as shown below. I've included screen shots as shown below to assist. I'm not sure what else I've missed? I've tried it locally and that works…
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