I've created a new AWS server (Windows 2012 R2) and I'm not able to login into the server using telnet, as shown below. I've included screen shots as shown below to assist. I'm not sure what else I've missed? I've tried it locally and that works using the ftpuser I've defined.

Any help greatly appreciated.


FTP firewall settings

enter image description here

Ping works

enter image description here

I get the following error when trying to connect from other machine

Error message

enter image description here

AWS security group settings

enter image description here

IIS settings

enter image description here

Update #1 - added TCP port 23 rule in AWS

enter image description here

Update #2 - checked FTP server is installed

enter image description here

Update #3 - Have installed telnet server

enter image description here

  • 1
    Sorry, not trying to get off topic. But, you are using telnet on the internal network only, not over the Internet, is that correct? Also you are aware that it is an insecure protocol (that includes ftp as well). From a security standpoint, it is not a good option to use. Anyone with a sniffer can see all the data flowing in plain text. – yetdot Jul 29 '16 at 12:18
  • 1
    I can think of NO valid reason to enable a Telnet server on an EC2 instance under any circumstances. You really need to take a step back and explain what you are trying to accomplish by enabling Telnet. No matter what you are trying to do, there's a correct way to do it. – Skyhawk Jul 29 '16 at 18:09

2 Answers2


The line you highlight in your AWS security group is for ICMP. You will need to add an entry into your security group for the telnet port TCP/23.

You'll also need to have something listening (a telnet server) on your host.

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thanks to all the comments, after all the great help to get telnet up and working you need to check/ setup the following:

  • enable tcp port 23 on AWS
  • check on the AWS server the Telnet server is running (you might need to enable it services.msc)
  • create a ftp website in IIS and create/ assign a user for telneting.