Questions tagged [overwrite]

13 questions
2 answers

Why is scp not overwriting my destination file?

I'm trying to back up a file via the command scp /tmp/backup.tar.gz hostname:/home/user/backup.tar.gz When I run it, the scp progress bar shows up and it looks like its transferring the file, however when I log into the destination server to check…
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5 answers

Is there a `tail -f` equivalent for when a file is overwritten (instead of appended to)?

How do continuously monitor a file that is being continuously overwritten? Specifically, the file contains a single line of text which a background process is repeatedly opening and re-writing. I was hoping tail -F would work, but it…
Daryl Spitzer
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1 answer

mbr and boot sector overwritten with structured yet very odd data

I work for a web-hosting datacenter. One server was having issues with its RAID, and we were attempting to reboot into single-user mode to repair a read-only /tmp Upon rebooting, the server wouldn't come up, stating no boot disk. This seemed…
Mike H
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resolv.conf overwritten *instantly*

In Scientific Linux 5.5, /etc/resolv.conf is continually overwritten and so DNS is broken. If I delete or change it, it instantly reverts to its former state. Writing over it with: cp /etc/NEWresolve.conf /etc/resolv.conf && chattr +i…
2 answers

*nix behavor, when overwriting a file that's open by another process using mv

Will the other process be able to finish reading the old file even though it's been replaced?
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www-data and server user

I have a WordPress installation on my first VPS, and ownership problem with www-data user and user I created (let's call it user1) to use for login (I disabled root login). I use user1 for FTP, but I can't overwrite the files owned by www-data, and…
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3 answers

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

I have set up a job within MSQL studio to backup all of my databases to a specific file. Then I take that file, compress it, and send it to a backup device. I am currently hoping to make this entire process automated on a weekly basis. However, here…
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8 answers

Undo Overwritten File

I have just overwritten the CSS file on my site so it is now all messed up! Is there any way to go back, or undo my changes. my host is bluehost! Emailed to bluehost and they replied that they dont have backup :( off! Bluehost said, they only…
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1 answer

FTP put several directories without overwrite?

I was transferring a few dozen gigs from one PC to another with scp. I got disconnected and double checked and found FTP to be faster (I scp only affected CPU to encrypt) How do I resume my file transfer? I want to copy all of my files recursing…
1 answer

Find the latest modified *.csv file and copy it into a different folder

My goal is to copy the latest file (based on modified date) in Windows to a different folder, and then rename the file to something different. My last line that is commented out was just a test to see that the copy command was working. Feel free…
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Backup Exec - How does it see Overwriteable media?

I have a Backup to Disk folder (on a USB Drive) which does a full backup Monday through Saturday, inclusive. It runs at 23:00 each day, but the drive is only large enough to fit 5 backups. (Each backup is about 360GB, the drive 1.81TB.) If I set the…
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1 answer

[Fedora 14][LVM2&EXT4] Overwritten partition config

Accidentally, I deleted my '/etc' & '/bin' folder (I know, my fault). Then, I boot liveCD and tried to copy or fix this issue. And then when I can't figure nothing to fix it, I don't know why, I want install system on my existing system, and I…
1 answer

"Snatching & preserving" versions of a file which gets overwritten repeatedly

On a system I'm working on, there are several processes which occasionally write a certain file (we can think about it as a sort of a log, although it's not quite that). Unfortunately, they all write to the same output file, i.e. they overwrite it;…
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