Questions tagged [ftp]

File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used to transfer data across TCP-based networks between hosts.

File Transfer Protocol (Wikipedia article) is a protocol, governed by well-established Internet standards, for conducting file operations (e.g. transferring files between two systems) over a TCP-based network such as the Internet or a local area network. FTP employs a client-server architecture, where one system is the "client", which opens a connection to the other system, the "server", the client makes requests of the server, and then closes the connection.

The most common FTP operations that a client will initiate include downloading files (i.e. "get" files from the server) and uploading files (i.e. "put" files on the server). There are a variety of file system related commands that the client request of the server (e.g. making directories, renaming files on the server, deleting files from the server, etc.).

2481 questions
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How to connect to FTP server when port 21 is blocked by my ISP?

I am trying to connect to a shared hosting FTP server via port 21 but its blocked by my ISP. I'm using an internet dongle. I'm travelling and must use the dongle since there is no other wired internet or Wifi in this remote region. I contacted the…
Robin Rodricks
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FTPS and virtual hosting

I've got to allow a handful of users FTP into one of our web servers. We host about 5 websites on it, with nothing bind to the default. In other words, when you go to the IP, you don't get a response. Does it matter what hostname is on my SSL…
S. Walker
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Backup & Restore Large Files in Windows Server 2008

Using Windows Server 2008 R2. I am in the process of rebuilding this server, and need to backup the existing D: partition which is currently 2TB (500,000+ files). I don't need to backup the system drive (C:). I have tried to FTP these files to a…
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Proftpd on CentOS 7

i've created a proftpd server with users managed by a mysql server. But i've a problem with my users. When one of my users is connected on the server, he can upload/download/delete files but there is a problems with the folders. When a user create a…
0 answers

My Cloudflare-connected website is not updating

I have a website hosted via ByetHost and the site is connected to Cloudflare, I want to update the site after a month of publishing. When i uploaded the updated HTML files via Filezilla, the site doesn't update the changes, then i realize that…
2 answers

LAMP setup + FTP - problem with user privileges

I'm sorry for uber noobish question, I'm new to linux and trying to learn and practice secure LAMP administration for upcoming little project of mine. I've installed vsftpd but can't setup permissions the way I want. It seems that files in /var/www…
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Forward FTP traffic to a local sever through iptables

I have a load balanced infrastructure which has an edge server as the load balancer and some web servers as backend servers and a cpanel server which is my ftp server. I want to forward ftp traffic through iptables to the ftp server which is behind…
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Windows Server 2016 IIS 10 FTP access to website doesn't connect

I Have a problem with FTP setup on a windows server 2016. I have tried anything that there is on the forums and they all say the same thing. I have created the site and can access it internally and externally with hostname and IP address (IP has not…
Daniel PurPur
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Enabling FTP Access on Google Cloud Windows Server

This should be simple but can't seem to get it to work. I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 instance running on Google Compute and want to enable FTP access. The FTP service is up and running and I can connect to it locally via the command line but…
1 answer

Close FTP connection with ncftpput command line

I have a bash script to make backup from server to FTP. The backup does in a few minutes, but the FTP connection is still active for 20 hours. How can i close it? The important line is: CMD="ncftpput -R -v -u "user" -p "password" -P 21…
1 answer

Why Router's Static Routing does not work?

Background I have two routers, Router_A and Router_B. Router_A LAN side IP address is Router_A has two clients, Computer_A (IP and Router_B (IP Router_B WAN side IP address is Router_B LAN side IP…
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FTP Server keeps getting connections from router every few seconds

Background / Network Structure The are two layers of routers. The router at the outer layer has public Internet IP (fake as example) and private IP The router at the inner layer, which is also a client of the outer…
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Proftpd on Ubuntu - Create directory permission denied (550 ) after upgrade to 9.10

I am having problems with ProFTPD since I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 from 9.04. When I login as my ftp user (userftp) in the terminal I can create dirs fine in their home dir. But when I use ftp as this user permission is denied (550 asl: permission…
2 answers

WIndows 2012 FTP through router

Try as I might I cannot seem to get my windows 2012 FTP server to go through my router. The server is located at I can FTP to that IP address internally (from, say, without a hitch. Works perfectly well. When I try to access…
Jon Glazer
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Replace muli user FTP accounts with PHP upload script (upload files from Windows app)

Until our webhost suddenly sold itself to a competitor without cpanel we had the following solution: We supplied a Windows app to a customer where they could change data and upload to pre-defined FTP path through their own FTP account. (Hence they…
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