Questions tagged [ftp]

File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used to transfer data across TCP-based networks between hosts.

File Transfer Protocol (Wikipedia article) is a protocol, governed by well-established Internet standards, for conducting file operations (e.g. transferring files between two systems) over a TCP-based network such as the Internet or a local area network. FTP employs a client-server architecture, where one system is the "client", which opens a connection to the other system, the "server", the client makes requests of the server, and then closes the connection.

The most common FTP operations that a client will initiate include downloading files (i.e. "get" files from the server) and uploading files (i.e. "put" files on the server). There are a variety of file system related commands that the client request of the server (e.g. making directories, renaming files on the server, deleting files from the server, etc.).

2481 questions
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ProFTP DefaultRoot setting on different ports

I have had ProFTP 1.3.2 and configured it to run for the same user on different ports with different root directories. Basically, the configuration was: Port 1 AuthAliasOnly on UserAlias xxx yyy DefaultRoot…
2 answers

recovering FTP password

The password for the ftp server is displaying as incorrect. It seems like someone has changed it. Is there any way of finding out what the password is?
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Is there any problem using the ftpd that comes with Kerberos on CentOS?

I need to configure ftpd on a CentOS 5.3 host to allow anonymous ftp (upload and download) from a well defined directory. I wish the setup to be as simple as possible, and to introduce as little new dependencies as possible. Scanning the current…
Chen Levy
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IIS FTP with anonymous download and secure authentication for upload

On a Windows IIS server I want to have FTP download available for anonymous users. And I want to be able to change the files myself and ensure that the authentication I provide is secure, i.e., FTPS, not just FTP. This seems like it should be a…
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Why does Atom's Remote FTP package give the error "unable to parse PASV server response"?

I'm relatively new to FTP. My friend and I are attempting to collaborate on a project. He has created an FTP server but, when I connect through the Atom editor's "Remote FTP" package, I'm given the error unable to parse PASV server response. Upon…
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Passive FTP port range, can I dedicate a port (range) per FTP user or folder in IIS?

I'm using IIS (10) on Server 2016 for my FTP site. I have a list of IIS users that have rights to their own subfolder under my FTP site. I have passive FTP configured to use a portrange of a 100 ports. I have a about 50 users so 100 ports is not…
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How do I add a standard FTP account for Google Cloud?

So I have an SSH key-pair set up on my computer to access my Google Cloud hosting via SFTP. I want to give access to an SEO company. Can I just send them the two key files FileZilla generated, and tell them my username to log on? I don't quite now…
0 answers

Windows Server CVE-1999-0527: Fix?

Anyone know why I am getting this on a server Win 2012 R2? FTP is not an enabled feature, on the server. It's a very old CVE and very (no) info about it on searching.
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Using wget to download GlobColour data from hermes ftp server

I want to download the netCDF products from I used wget in cygwin package for Windows systems. My link address for accessing to the data is and my username and password are…
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Block specific client in Linux iptables

So i have difficulties with my iptables in my virtual machine with Linux. Basically what i want to achieve is to one-way block FTP access for 1 client connected on the network. With that i mean: Client 1 can connect to the server, but not recieve…
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Difference between Azure price calculator and actual configured price - have I missed something?

I am setting up our organisation's first Azure server as a kind of test bed for future projects. We would like to create a simple FTP/SFTP server as an Azure Windows server. The Microsoft pricing calculator for a Windows Server - Basic A1: 1-Core…
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Reverse proxy FTP traffic to Docker containers based on hostaname?

Is there any way to reverse proxy FTP (or SFTP) connections as you can do with HTTP traffic? I already have working setup fot HTTP connections with nginx-proxy and I was wondering if I can route the FTP connections in similar way: User connects…
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VSFTPD – still having permission issues

I'm running a Linux Ubuntu 16.04 TLS server and I have a game server installed there. In order to install plugins and manage all my server configuration files, I had to choose for a FTP server, on this case, VSFTP. The issue is, however, I'm able to…
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FTP access error in EC2

I have 2 servers with windows and ubuntu running in Amazon EC2. I created the FTP server using plesk in windows and used vsftpd in the ubuntu. I have enabled all TCP ports in both the servers. The vsftpd is running in the passive mode in ubuntu.…
IT researcher
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Transfer 300+ GB at maximum speed on two headless servers?

I am currently trying to transfer over 300GB from my Mac Pro server to my Synology NAS. I only have my Windows PC I can work from, but I can SSH into both devices. They are both connected to gigabit ethernet, which I have tested and which works very…