Questions tagged [ftp]

File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used to transfer data across TCP-based networks between hosts.

File Transfer Protocol (Wikipedia article) is a protocol, governed by well-established Internet standards, for conducting file operations (e.g. transferring files between two systems) over a TCP-based network such as the Internet or a local area network. FTP employs a client-server architecture, where one system is the "client", which opens a connection to the other system, the "server", the client makes requests of the server, and then closes the connection.

The most common FTP operations that a client will initiate include downloading files (i.e. "get" files from the server) and uploading files (i.e. "put" files on the server). There are a variety of file system related commands that the client request of the server (e.g. making directories, renaming files on the server, deleting files from the server, etc.).

2481 questions
3 answers

Tuning Linux disk caching behaviour for maximum throughput

I'm running into a maximum throughput issue here and need some advice on which way to tune my knobs. We're running a 10Gbit fileserver for backup distribution. It's a two disk S-ATA2 setup on an LSI MegaRAID Controller. The server also got 24gig of…
Peter Meyer
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1 answer

Can I configure VSFTPD to listen only to localhost?

I have a legacy app that needs FTP and cannot do SFTP. My solution is: put an FTP server in place using VSFTPD configure the firewall to accept port 21 connections only from localhost Set up an SSH connection from the client with the legacy…
Will Martin
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10 answers

What good free software is available for backing up a few PCs?

I have a network of about 30 Windows PCs. What good free software is available that will automatically (scheduled) make backups (not whole HDD but only certain folders) for these PCs and save on a remote server which will be used only for storing…
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2 answers

vsftpd - local_root=/var/www/sites/$USER doesn't get interpreted?

When I'm trying to connect to FTP server I get: "500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/home/$USER/public_html" when I do echo $USER - I get proper username seems like $USER isn't interpreted inside my /etc/vsftpd.conf when I remove…
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3 answers

FTP and Apache permission issues

Im having issues as to which user should own my www directory - ftp or apache? When set to the ftp user, the user can add, remoe and easily modify files but php file system actions generate permission denied errors (ofcourse because they require the…
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7 answers

FTP service for use on Windows Server?

We always use IIS' FTP service but recently we have had a few problems with it; what FTP service do you recomend for IIS? We use Windows Server and Windows XP in the clients. A free version is a must, We are now considering FileZilla and WarFtp, We…
Jedi Master Spooky
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9 answers

How can I mount an FTP to a drive letter in windows?

I'd like to mount an FTP to a drive letter in windows, I've used Novell's NetDrive, but there are two main problems, 1) it tends to slow down computer alot 2) it doesn't seem to work at all under Vista. Are there any applications that will allow me…
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4 answers

wget ftp connection failing after PASV command

In attempting to transfer all files from one web server ("source") to another ("destination"), the wget command is connecting via FTP, but cannnot proceed beyond the PASV command. I'm using an SSH connection to the "destination" server (a Linux box…
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3 answers

vsftpd - PAM - MySQL and pam_mkhomedir to create directories

I've been successfully using vsftpd with virtual users connecting with PAM to my mysql DB. Now I'd like to automate creation of user directories with successful vsftpd connection. Here is /etc/pam.d/vsftpd configuration: #%PAM-1.0 session …
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5 answers

Can't connect to my FTP server, why?

I have a windows 2008 server running with FTP 7 on IIS 7. I have it configured to connect as it is out of the box, with a particular user (lets say john) with read/write access. When I use my FileZilla client software, I can connect to the server as…
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3 answers

Forward FTP with IPTables

I'm trying to forward an FTP-server with IPTables. The FTP-Server is running on a Windows 2008 box (Cerberus). Details Win Box: IP: FTP-Port: 21 PASV-Ports: 11000-13000 The FTP-server works great in LAN. The router is working fine…
Bart De Vos
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4 answers

Server sent passive reply with unroutable address when connecting to FTP site with FileZilla

I get the error "Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead." when connecting to a FTP site (not SFTP). I have connected to this site many times, however FileZilla asked me to accept a certificate on this…
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3 answers

vsftpd will not accept passwords encrypted with MD5

I am setting up an server with vsftpd to let virtual users access their space. Now it is fully working but only with CRYPT passwords. So sudo htpasswd -c /etc/vsftpd/ftpd.passwd phpmyadmin will not allow me to log in, but sudo htpasswd -c -d…
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4 answers

Firewall blocking FTP server on Windows 2008 R2

I can access the FTP site without problems from the local machine, but it times out from the remote machine. If I turn the firewall off COMPLETELY, it works. Obviously, this isn't really a satisfactory solution. I've attempted to follow these steps,…
Andrew Shepherd
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5 answers

Is it possible to setup a writeonly ftp?

I'd like to setup an ftp such that my users (and some software I write) can upload documents, and have those documents saved on the server but I don't want to allow users to see the contents of the ftp folder - essentially the ftp looks empty at all…
Steven Evers
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