Questions tagged [fstab]

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions.

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions. In a nutshell, mounting is the process where a raw (physical) partition is prepared for access and assigned a location on the file system tree (or mount point).

* In general fstab is used for internal devices, CD/DVD devices, and network shares (samba/nfs/sshfs). Removable devices such as flash drives *can* be added to fstab, but are typically mounted by gnome-volume-manager and are beyond the scope of this document.
* Options for mount and fstab are similar.
* Partitions listed in fstab can be configured to automatically mount during the boot process.
* If a device/partition is not listed in fstab ONLY ROOT may mount the device/partition.
* Users may mount a device/partition if the device is in fstab with the proper option


241 questions
1 answer

New Swap Drive - Linux Hangs during Boot

An application checked the swap space during install and required it to be the same amount as ram. So i added a new disk (Server is a VM) and done the following: swapoff /dev/mapper/ol-swap vgcreate swap /dev/sdc lvcreate --name swap -l 100%FREE…
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Write Permissions Denied when using sshfs to Mount Remote Directory on Boot

I have two Cent OS 7 servers I am trying to mount a directory from my host server to my client server. I want this to automatically mount on boot. On my host machine (hostmachine.local) I setup a user and gave that user sudo privileges. On my client…
Jeremy H.
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2 answers

Automount a samba share using fstab cifs in a debian virtualbox

When i run: mount -a as root user in my virtualbox machine i will get the samba share mounted, so my settings in my /etc/fstab are working: // /vagrant/Downloads cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,auto 0 0 But why is this…
0 answers

Can custom /proc mount options be set on OpenVZ containers?

I recently discovered that the way OpenVZ mounts /proc inside of containers by default isn't as secure as it could be (it's mounted as rw). When combined with insecure scripts on the server, this creates a vulnerability as described…
Extra Sauce
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Empty fstab on Debian 7 and up. Possible side effects?

When I was checking a machine set up by our sysadmin team, I encountered an completely empty fstab. In fact it was the default fstab installed by a debootstrap. # UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM I was going WTF first, but since the system is…
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3 answers

CentOS 7 NFS partition doesn't mount on boot

I have a CentOS 7 x64 server which doesn't mount NFS entries in /etc/fstab on boot. The configuration is correct, because if I run mount -a, everything works like a charm. The fstab entries are as such. …
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1 answer

Is mounting /boot in /etc/fstab automatically necessary?

Hello members of StackExchange, I am running a Debian 8.0 server with Full-Disk-Encryption and while I was doing some hardening I went through the /etc/fstab and I was wondering if some partitions were really necessary to be mounted…
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OpenSSH in Windows Server 2012 R2

I'm trying to create a complete FTP server on Win 2012 r2 using IIS FTP (for FTP and FTPS protocol) and OpenSSH for SFTP protocol. I'm searching for several documentations but I'm discovering different issues; for example, I cannot understand if…
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NFS Mounts/ Failed reboot - Race Condition?

I recently suffered the joy of a server crash (Ubuntu 12.04) and a subsequent failure to reboot. It appears that the OS attempted to mount the NFS shares in the /etc/fstab file before networking had been loaded by the OS, meaning the OS failed to…
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After a yum update, physical drives sda and sdb are swapped and sdc is missing

yum update installed kernel 2.6.32-504.8.1-el6.x86_64, and was correctly installed to /dev/sdb1/boot (ext3). Physical drives on the machine (with expected/normal/previous device labels): /dev/sdb1, ext3, 70 MB /dev/sda has three: sda1 …
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Forcing user in both directions using bindfs

I have a specific OS user called 'app' which runs Dropbox. The app is deployed (in the same server) for multiple sites. But the Dropbox of the 'app' user has info about all sites. The dropobox has a directory like…
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debian unable to automount partition at boot

I have a single usb drive connected to my server, and I am unable to get it to automount at boot time. If I manually execute mount -a it mounts correctly. my fstab is as follows: proc /proc proc defaults 0 …
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Editing fstab for a new drive that will contain subdirectories on other disks

Currently the disks on my box look like this: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 30G 28G 174M 100% / /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02 4.7T 3.0T …
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3 answers

Mounting with fstab - error 13 (access denied)

I have one server that is mounting with fstab using a credentials file. The credentials file (.Smbcredentials) code is : username=my_windows_login password=my_password domain=my_domain My code in fstab is: //myshare/myfolder /mnt/backup cifs…
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2 answers

Is there any way to retrieve the settings ran from fstab that were used at boot?

I suck at life and accidentally overwrote my fstab before making a backup by trying to chmod 777 /etc/fstab so I could edit and resave it via a text editor. So my question is, since most of these settings are used at boot to set up various things…
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