I have two Cent OS 7 servers I am trying to mount a directory from my host server to my client server. I want this to automatically mount on boot.

On my host machine (hostmachine.local) I setup a user and gave that user sudo privileges.

On my client machine I setup an ssh key and associated it with the sudo user I created on my host machine. I then added the following to my /etc/fstab file...

sshfs#sudouser@hostmachine.local:/var/www/vhosts /mnt/hostdir   fuse    _netdev,IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other 0 0

When I reboot the machine it mounts and I can read the contents of the /var/www/vhosts directory from the client (via /mnt/hostdir), but when I try and write to the mounted directory I get a permission denied error.

Jeremy H.
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