Questions tagged [free]

Questions about the use and interpretation of the "free" system management tool commonly available in Unix-like operating systems.

The free(1) command is commonly available in Unix-like operating systems, and provides basic information about the amount of memory in use and available (or "free memory", hence the name) on the system.

8 questions
1 answer

free and htop report totally different numbers

See the following screenshot: The "total" amount of memory is reported at 8GB by both htop and free, but while free reports that only 2.7GB is "used", htop reports that 7.53GB is used. free reports that 5GB is buffers/cache, while htop reports this…
Fela Maslen
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backup snapshot vultr linux host to local Windows

Vultr Linux snapshots are falling too expensive as the number of servers we acquired has grown. Thus, I wish to create a snapshot/backup (entire OS along with open ports, swap memory, and installed softwares) of only Linux servers of Vultr and save…
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0 answers

enough memory for downscale ubuntu server?

Management decided to downscale prod server. Current size: Standard B16ms (16 vcpus, 64 GiB memory) Desired size: Standard B8ms (8 vcpus, 32 GiB memory) CPU is mostly idle (output is from sar -u) 10:20:01 CPU %user %nice …
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0 answers

Memory usage: big difference in `free -m` and htop as well calculation of used memory in htop compared from /proc/meminfo

I'm aware of this question Answer seems outdated regarding memory usage and this question seems more complex. htop definitely now doesn't…
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1 answer

/proc/meminfo shows MemFree greater than MemAvailable - Does it make sense?

From what I could understand from this change in Linux reported memory usage, /proc/meminfo reports MemFree as currently unused RAM, and MemAvailable as RAM currently available to new processes without swapping. From this, shouldn't MemFree be…
1 answer

When to upgrade RAM based on free output

I have a java application that runs on a Linux server with physical memory(RAM) allocated as 12GB where I would see the normal utilization over a period of time as below. sys> free -h total used free shared …
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Apache2 eating all the system RAM

I'm serving on Images ( JPG|JPEG|PNG ) from an apache server. after sometime, the system cache becomes sooo populated that no other programs are able to run -- like recently I noticed that one of the php Cronjob got terminated because of no memory…
0 answers

Why the numbers of "free" don't add up?

This is a side question when I try to figure out why my Ubuntu18.04 server keeps using up memory and mysql gets killed from time to time. The above is the result of running "free" command. I've been trying to figure out how the numbers can be added…
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