Questions tagged [file-sharing]

A mechanism for allowing and mediating access to files for non-local users and programs. Such mechanisms are either built on top of local filesystems or seamlessly integrated into distributed filesystems. Common examples of file sharing mechanisms include CIFS (SMB, DFS), NFS, GlusterFS, Lustre.

647 questions
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Can I replace my Windows Server file/folder share service with a Raspberry Pi?

I have a Dell R720 on premise that acts as my primary domain controller for workstations. At one point the machine had many more functions and features and it was necessary to keep an on-premise server. However, over the years a lot of services have…
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One time password sharing over local network

I am responsible for the security of a company where passwords are currently stored locally with a password manager, but if another employee needs a password, they are shared via cloud based programs like Slack or Teams, which I want to prevent. My…
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Granting acces for specific PCs on the Network to a Shared Drive

I've been trying to configure a Shared Drive on my Network to be accessible by only a handful of PCs on the network, but haven't been able to find a solution so far. All PCs are on the same network with the same IP range. They are all a part of the…
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Webmin - Raw reads and raw writes?

First of all, apologies if this is posted in the wrong category. I use Webmin 1.780 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 and under the Windows File Sharing, under Miscellaneous Options there are 2 options: Allow raw reads? Allow raw writes? Does anyone know what…
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Where to place files for download on website?

Out of these following options, what would you guys recommend as a best practice or approach? I have a website that has a ton of pdf and word files that any one can click to download. What is the best way to serve these files to users? Create a…
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2 answers

Microsoft Shares, not sharing

I have a machine called \shares\ There are two drives on it, the "Local Disk (C:)" and the drive I want to put the shared resources on "Shares (S:)" This is a brand-new Server 2012, and I have a test folder located within the S: drive on which I…
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What's the best protocol to use for a NAS server?

I'm thinking of setting up a new box as a dedicated file server and I was wondering if there was any sort of consensus on what the best file sharing protocol to use would be. I use SMB right now, but I find it slow (over WAN), and quite insecure. I…
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Windows File Sharing with Check in / Check out feature

Similar to this question, but what I want is a check in / out feature that is built in to Windows File Sharing. The server it would run on is a Windows SBS 2011 server, and the clients will all be Vista or 7. Microsoft Office is a small set of files…
Canadian Luke
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windows 10 keeps turning off file and printer sharing

EDIT: I'm not sure why this has two downvotes already. Perhaps before doing so, those inclined to downvote can explain why, which would be helpful to me even if you don't have an answer. I have not been able to find an answer as to why my changing…
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How to use Map Network Drive to store files on Windows Server 2008 R2

I use Windows Server 2008 R2. The server is on a virtual machine. How can I share a folder on the server, and map a drive to it?
1 answer

Limit who can access a folder in Windows, including encryption & administration

We want to keep our HR files on a share that only 3 people in HR can access. I'd prefer to do this on a share on our file server on a Windows box. We need the files to be encrypted so that someone ont he file server can't view them. Determining who…
David Thielen
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How do I get my machine to access the share now?

Disclaimer: Using windows to share files is definitely not as simple as on *nix, even if it seems like. First, I'm assuming we can securely (with passwords) share files / folders in basically only two ways: Have the same user+password on both…
2 answers

Does the number of files slow down the server?

Having numerous files will obviously slow down the OS; but how much this problem is serious? Consider that the files have been well distributed over multi-level folders. Does still the number of files (probably because of using inodes) can slow down…
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Synchronizing code for multiple users

I'm a beginner in all this and am working on a project with a few other people. I'm facing some problems. My code is to worked on by another person simultaneously. I want to perform staging on a server. How do I maintain my code like that? And…
1 answer

Fileshare server infrastructure name

I'm currently developing a documents fileshare service, and it becomes more and more evident that my very basic configuration with a server from Plesk is insufficient for my needs. I.e. I'm starting 3-4 downloads on the server and loading the…
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