Questions tagged [file-server]

A file server is a computer attached to a network that has the primary purpose of providing a location for shared disk access, i.e. shared storage of computer files (such as documents, sound files, photographs, movies, images, databases, etc.) that can be accessed by the clients that are attached to the same computer network.

The term server highlights the role of the machine in the client–server scheme, where the clients are the endpoints using the storage. A file server is not intended to perform computational tasks, and does not run programs on behalf of its clients. It is designed primarily to enable the storage and retrieval of data while the computation is carried out by the workstations.

285 questions
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Script for making Inventory of fileserver drives before migration to Sharepoint

I'm a powershell beginner and I would like to write a script to create a complete inventory of our fileserver. I tried it with --> Get-ChildItem -Path X -Force -Recurse | Export-Csv -Path X -Encoding ASCII -NoTypeInformation , but I get all the…
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How to force client to download files locally over SMB instead of holding the file open

Is there a way client or server side MacOS and Windows. To force a client to download files locally, rather than to hold the file open when being read? Similar to how Chrome OS does this.
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Is it possible to deploy a high available file service with two file servers using a shared virtual hard disk and DFS with Windows Server 2019?

In my infrastructure, I have two servers with Windows Server 2019 and Hyper-V installed. A SAN is directly connected to both servers via FC. The SAN provides three volumes to both servers: a volume for the quorum, a volume for VMs and a volume for…
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Can multiple users work directly on a NAS

The title may be confusing but I'll try to explain my question the best I can. Say I have two physical offices, on one I have all my data (excel files, word files, pdf's, etc). On the other I have my computer, without any data. I want to access all…
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Can't reach File Server Cluster by DNS name

I'm trying to set up a file server cluster so that it can be accessed by a standard DNS name on our domain. I've got a DNS A record set up, pointing to the cluster service IP address. When I ping the DNS name, it resolves…
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Event 4656 on file server for files and folders not opened

Can someone explain why on the audit events of a file server there's plenty of 4656 events even if the file or folders have not directly been opened? For example, if you open the root directory H: , in the events there are lots 4656 related to the…
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Nginx detecting number of clients `curl`ing/`wget`ing or otherwise currently downloading content?

I plan to host some bootstrap files that need to be updated every 24 hours, maybe more often. I plan to serve the files using nginx, how can I ensure that I only replace files when 0 people are currently downloading them or otherwise detect how many…
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Domain & file server migration

Our company has a client who is in a spot of trouble and has asked us for advice. Their support/host company has gone bust and they want to use this opportunity to upgrade their servers. They have an older domain that they need to migrate from…
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Use Linux to observe Windows share on massive file writes/removes

I want to protect a Windows Fileserver from Locky or other ransomware. Therefore I already created a rule in the server to stop the fileserver whenever someone tries to create a .locky etc.pp. file. But the guys who create those trojans are not dumb…
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Getting file size before download on a proxy server

We're working on building a multithreaded proxy file server in C, where we receive a request and retrieve it from another location using the libcurl library. The library gives you the option of issuing a HEAD request to get some file parameters -…
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backup network for file server and NAS

I have a server, file server and a NAS Server. The storage on file server is created using ISCSI on NAS Server, and it's include with users' files (stored on NAS Server ISCSI). The problem is, when i have a network problem where NAS server and file…
2 answers

Options for SATA ports on motherboard for Files server

I am planning to build a big file server. (Windows or FreeNAS). I need at lease 300T of space. what options do I have to RAID all disks together? I mean on physical level what kind of connection topology can I use? what kind of devices support such…
3 answers

What program/service should I use to set up a file server and browse those files on the web?

I'm new to networking and IT, so I apologize for any gaps of knowledge in my query. I want to set up a file server for at least ten Windows 7 workstations so that these computers can download and upload files to a centralized location. I also want…
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How to design a simple Ubuntu File Server with XP clients network: accounts system

I want to switch from an old Windows Server 2003 server with Active Directory to a simple Ubuntu fileserver in a kind of school building with Windows XP client machines, with a minimum impact to teachers and students habits. I want to make sure my…
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Workstation vs Server for a 15 user office setting?

I have a task to install a file/print server for our office. We're 12 users that could expand in the near future for up to 15-18 users. I'm aware that server class hardware is of higher quality/reliability than consumer machines. However, in my…
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