Questions tagged [file-server]

A file server is a computer attached to a network that has the primary purpose of providing a location for shared disk access, i.e. shared storage of computer files (such as documents, sound files, photographs, movies, images, databases, etc.) that can be accessed by the clients that are attached to the same computer network.

The term server highlights the role of the machine in the client–server scheme, where the clients are the endpoints using the storage. A file server is not intended to perform computational tasks, and does not run programs on behalf of its clients. It is designed primarily to enable the storage and retrieval of data while the computation is carried out by the workstations.

285 questions
17 answers

What network file sharing protocol has the best performance and reliability?

We have a setup with a few web servers being load-balanced. We want to have some sort of network shared storage that all of the web servers can access. It will be used as a place to store files uploaded by users. Everything is running Linux. Should…
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14 answers

File Server - Storage configuration: RAID vs LVM vs ZFS something else...?

We are a small company that does video editing, among other things, and need a place to keep backup copies of large media files and make it easy to share them. I've got a box set up with Ubuntu Server and 4 x 500 GB drives. They're currently set up…
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15 answers

Build a low-power file server

I would like to build a file server for backups. The server needs to be available 24/7 in a mixed Windows/Linux network, but service should not exceed 1 hour per day. Thats why power consumption is my main priority. What do you think is the best…
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7 answers

Windows Admin looking to start out small with Linux (ubuntu) file server

I work strictly with Windows machines only (save for the one small aix unix box that was just replaced). In the past, in an attempt to self-educate in Linux, I have installed various versions of Ubuntu desktop/sever and Fedora only to realize that…
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5 answers

RAID 6 vs RAID 10? Which would you choose

My choice would be RAID 6 for a file server since you can lose two drives and it does not matter which set of two can die. From what I understand with RAID 10 you can lose two drives but if they happen to be on the same RAID 1 array then you are a…
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11 answers

What virus scanner on a Linux fileserver?

We have an Ubuntu file server in a small network that is serving about 8 Windows clients. First, is it necessary to have a virus scanner on the server, or just rely on the clients (currently using AVG)? If it is best to have virus scanning on the…
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1 answer

OmniOS/ZFS/Windows 7: "Save as" from within applications lags 5 seconds for all file sizes over CIFS/SMB

Situation: The following strange problem has occurred on a single file server running OmniOS r151018 (95eaa7e) serving files over SMB to Windows and OS X guests. Saving certain files (.docx, .xlsx, some images) through the "Save as..." dialog window…
1 answer

What is the current status of pNFS on Ubuntu?

There is a lot of confusing information out there on pNFS, and I have some very simple questions: How can I check if it is running/enabled/active on my system? Is pNFS widely available today or still experimental? In particular what is its status…
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2 answers

Scale-Out File Server with Storage Spaces Direct

guys! After a recent upgrade of our infrastructure, I've got a bunch of decommissioned hardware that I would like to use for storage purposes along with trying out some new stuff. So, I have 4 x DELL R630 servers that have 6 x HDD and 2 x SSDs…
Mind Parallax
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1 answer

NTFS Compression with Deduplication?

I have installed the Data Deduplication role on Windows Server 2016. Per Microsoft, it's using NTFS compression to help save space: Data deduplication stores more data in less physical space. It achieves greater storage efficiency than was possible…
13 answers

What OS would you use for a simple fileserver and why?

Im looking to set up a simple fileserver: 5 - 7 clients - Mixed Windows, Linux, Mac OSX - connecting over wireless and wired Serving ~200GB content - Photos, MP3's, ISO's etc What OS would you recommend for this fileserver? I understand XP limits…
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6 answers

Linux file server for an inexperienced admin

A charity I volunteer for wants a file server for their mostly Windows machines (about five XP and 7 machines, with some Mac laptops every now and then). For the server, I have a PC with an Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz proc, 4GB of DDR2 400MHz RAM, and a…
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4 answers

Tell me the pros and cons of using WebDAV over SSL for file server access instead of SMB

In the organisation I'm in we have a mixture of OS X and windows XP. For years the Macs have also connected via SMB to the fileserver, however it's always been a bit flaky. On OS X it's prone to dropouts, and since we've upgraded our main server…
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3 answers

Clustered File Server on Windows 2012 With Local Storage

So I have a SQL Always-On group that requires a file share witness. I want that file share witness to be redundant and since I have no other need for a file server on this network, I'd like to do it with the least number of servers. I thought I'd…
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2 answers

Previous versions not available on file server share. But vss seems to be working

At my workplace we inherited a file server running Windows 2008 R2. (Core server unfortunatly, so no GUI) Last year we decided it would be nice to have previous versions of files available for users. So we gave VSS a seperate volume, with 10% of the…
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