Questions tagged [file-server]

A file server is a computer attached to a network that has the primary purpose of providing a location for shared disk access, i.e. shared storage of computer files (such as documents, sound files, photographs, movies, images, databases, etc.) that can be accessed by the clients that are attached to the same computer network.

The term server highlights the role of the machine in the client–server scheme, where the clients are the endpoints using the storage. A file server is not intended to perform computational tasks, and does not run programs on behalf of its clients. It is designed primarily to enable the storage and retrieval of data while the computation is carried out by the workstations.

285 questions
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Windows Server 2003 R2 as Fileserver is not available in network

we are operating a Windows Server 2003 R2. After a restart the server with its shares is reachable via unc and ip (e.g. \\ws\folder1 or \\\folder1). That works for at least 5 minutes after a restart. I have checked the firewall, AV is…
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Hardware requirements for servers

We have to buy a number of servers in my organisation - and after some thinking about blade vs rack, we rather want to go in direction rack - mostly due to cost considerations. Our organisation is a university with about 3000 - 4000 Students - and…
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Secure filesharing protocol for fileserver

I'm setting up a fileserver, and I want lots of clients to easily access it. Up to now I've always used SSHFS to share between different PCs, but since I'm setting up a single fileserver, I'm looking for other common alternatives. Up to now I've…
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Can I expect better read/write performance for fileservers in large companies shortly?

Thanks to this article (in Norwegian), I started researching a bit about the new Intel Solid-State Drive 710 Series, which is a MLC with about 30 times improved endurance. It seems like they are really making advances. My question is, therefore,…
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How to password protect a folder in windows server 2003 over the network

I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me solve this problem. I have a several computers on a network. Of that network, there is one server(Windows server 2003) that acts as a file server. There is a several shared folders in C:\ drive that…
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Limit drag & drop mess

I have a Windows Server 2016 acting as a file server with thousands of files in a well-defined tree. Different people have different access to different parts of the tree. The problem is that some users, by mistake, sometimes do drag & drop, and a…
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Save as on file server grayed out

When I try to save a file on my Windows fileserver (a failover cluster with 2 nodes), the window is locked and it's not possible to navigate through the folders, and it's not possible to save files in the actual folder. The only way is to press the…
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Result of move folder with NTFS permissions - Windows 2003 server

Let's say we have this situation: On a Windows 2003 file server, the following structure is present: \fileserver\folder1\subfolder1 Which has NTFS access permissions for UserA \fileserver\folder2\ Which has NTFS access permissions for UserB If I…
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2008 R2 file server shared folders are displaying hex names

I have a very strange issue. on one of my 2008R2 file servers that has been around for years yesterday about half of the folders in one of the shares started showing hex values instead of the folder names. the subfolders still show their correct…
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where can I learn the limitations of /LEV:n option of Robocopy command

Hey I am moving a file server to another datacenter. I use robocopy but I don't know the limits of the /LEV:nutility. Is this "n" can be 100 or something for some crazy admins? I searched but I didn't find any info about the maximum level size of…
2 answers

Hyper-V File Server Clustering - at my wit’s end

I am at my wit’s end with File Server clustering under Hyper-V. I am hoping that someone might be able to help me figure out this Gordian Knot of a technology that seems to have dead ends (like forcing cluster VMs to use iSCSI drives where…
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What's the best protocol to use for a NAS server?

I'm thinking of setting up a new box as a dedicated file server and I was wondering if there was any sort of consensus on what the best file sharing protocol to use would be. I use SMB right now, but I find it slow (over WAN), and quite insecure. I…
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SFTP server for 1 to 5 people team : is an i5 Gen2 enough or is an i7 recommended?

For a one-man company which is planning to hire a small staff, I'm considering transforming a former small form factor desktop into a server to deliver files through SFTP. As a basis for evaluation, let us estimate that the staff will gradually…
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Removing File Services Role From A Domain Controller

Someone in my office install the file service role on the domain controller, while trying to remove the role for the domain controller. I get the message that I have to remove the active directory service before I can remove the file server role.…
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Cons of using a Windows 7 machine as a file server?

I'm in the process of setting up a file server for about 6 people. Windows 7 isn't meant to be used as a server, but given the small amount of clients, I wonder what kind of obstacles could I face if I went this route. I'll consider other…
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