Questions tagged [export]

175 questions
2 answers

How do I see why a Mailbox Export Request failed?

I'm trying to export a bunch of mailboxes to PST files and a few of the requests terminated early in a failure. A few 5GB+ mailboxes succeeded and a few really small ones failed, I can't see anything common among them... Performing…
William Hilsum
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phpMyAdmin export, half file compressed?

Okay, I have to admit, that I derped up. I've exported a database from a to-be-reinstalled server and didn't check that file. Now, that I try to import it, I've discovered something very strange, the file was supposed to be GZIP compressed, yet it…
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Copy files from SVN server to external server via FTP

Currently I have about 5 servers, one I would like to use as a SVN server for development reasons, but I want it to be able to update the external server such as copying committed files to the external server via FTP (or any securer…
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Export massive MySQL database, from a shared level hosting account

I need to export a huge database, with thousands of tables and millions of rows. I'm on shared hosting so I can't use command line exports, and I really have no easy way to get to this data other than through phpMyAdmin or php. cPanel's default…
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How do I back-up a MySQL database from the command-line in CentOS?

I need to make a back-up of a database on CentOS 5.5, running MySQL server from the command line. Basically I need to export everything in it.
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How to export AD security list to Excel

How can I export the security member's list from a security group to an excel sheet. I've found some code on the web but I would need an UI or a software that can do this. I'm open to Powershell tho... Regards, D.
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6 answers

How should I export a shell variable in bash?

I usually work in bash in Linux, and if I need to export a variable I might write: export LC_ALL=C However, I am doing more Solaris work these days, and Solaris Admin's I work with will always write: LC_ALL=C ; export LC_ALL Is there a reason to…
Anon Gordon
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Export VM ESX Thin Provisionned

I have a question. I need to export a VM Thin Partionned. But the problem is that this VM is too big ... Regarding to VSPHERE client, it says that this VM is about 2TO used. But someone told me that when you have a VM set up to Thin Partition, when…
1 answer

Microsoft Entourage/Exchange Server problem: all objects disappeared from server - still in some form on the client

One of our employees works with Entourage on his MacBook Pro (OSX 10.6) accessing Exchange Server 2007. Last Friday morning, I think while working over a VPN, Entourage (I think it was Entourage) deleted all his objects (mail, calendar, contacts) on…
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Exchange 2010 Powershell Output Each Mailbox permission to separate text files

I am looking to output the results of Get-Mailbox –Server MYserverName | Get-MailboxPermission | FL piped into individual text files for each individual mailbox, with the text file named for the mailbox - e.g. I want to have a folder with the…
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Powershell script to Inventory File Types

I have been writing a script to inventory drives by specific file types. (AVI, MPG, MP3, etc....) I can get the base script to work using only a set drive and extension, but I would really like to have it read extensions from a file, and drives…
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1 answer

Export apt package list for reuse (debian)

Is it possible to export a list of packages from a (Debian) server, so I can reuse this list and simply hit apt-get install on a different server? Can I also pipe a textfile to apt-get like apt-get install << list.txt?
Daniel W.
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2 answers

Any way to overwrite (not merge) Outlook contacts when importing from a file?

I'm trying to create a contact list for Outlook 2010 that will contain contact information for every person in my company. I intend on keeping the list current, which means I will be manually adding new employees to the contact list, and removing…
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1 answer

Export Exchange Distribution List as SMTP

I am looking for a way to export an Exchange 2007 Distribution List to SMTP addresses. Ideally a VB or PowerShell script that lets me specify the list I am interested in and returns the list of members' smtp addresses is what I am looking…
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1 answer

Is there a web front-end that allows for easily deployment of apps/files directly from SVN?

I have some scripts in SVN that are managed by a few people. Every few weeks, once everyone's changes are in, I tag a revision and then deploy that tag to an Ubuntu server (a very simple svn export on the ubuntu server). I'd like to make it easy…
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