Questions tagged [explorer]

25 questions
3 answers

What's eating my drive space when normal files + hidden + system doesn't equal total drive space used

This is very strange. All directory sizes are normal, and all other folders are within 20GB of what they should be. The discrepancy is that I can’t locate the files that are consuming 150GB of space in the bottom screenshot. Below, I issued…
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7 answers

Windows explorer (filename) string corruption when using remote desktop?

Has anyone else experienced this problem? While browsing folders in explorer over a remote desktop connection, sometimes the file name strings will get corrupted, so they display incorrectly in windows explorer. Remote desktop (or terminal services)…
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1 answer

Prevent creation of default shortcuts and Favorites in Windows XP SP3?

(1) Whenever a new user is created on a Windows XP SP3 system running Internet Explorer 8, their Favorites folder is automatically populated with a "Microsoft websites" folder and several links in the links toolbar (such as "Customize links", "Free…
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I can RDP into server but cannot browse using explorer

Disclaimer: Networking is not my strong point, it is my Achilles' heel. At work I have been given a sandbox server to test my software with, I have full control over the server itself but the network/domain it sits in is offlimits for me. I can RDP…
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Lightweight File Manager for use in a Windows Preinstallation Environment

I need a free (preferabally open source) lightweight file manager for Windows that can run in a stripped down Windows Preinstallation Environment. It doesn't matter if it is text-based or GUI but must run in Windows PE. As a side note, someone…
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Internet Explorer 8 ignoring proxy settings

I have a funny problem with Internet Explorer 8 where I set up a proxy server under Tools - Internet Options - Connections - LAN Settings - Proxy Server and IE basically ignores it. For example, if I set up the proxy server to use (Random IP here)…
0 answers

Add site to Internet Explorer Security Zone in GP without deleting all other settings

What I have figured out is this: GP: User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Internet Explorer -> Internet Control Panel -> Site to Zone Assignment list. If I enable it, and add a site with the value 2, All my users gets this in their…
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2 answers

Windows Explorer Folder Options w Active Directory

We are running Active directory on Windows Server 2008 R2. All servers and desktops are Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2. Is it possible to create a policy using GPO such that every account in an OU will have a certain set of Folder Option settings…
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Explorer seems to time out for ~ 2 min. when opening files

I have an odd problem. I have a farm of 8 Citrix terminal servers, running Server 2003 Std x86. The hardware on all servers is identical and all servers were built from the same image. Late last week, one the servers started having a problem…
5 answers

Long delay when browsing directories in Windows XP

I have one XP sp3 workstation that has developed a problem. Please note that this workstation acts as a "file server," with three shares published. Operating at the workstation in question, whenever one opens My Computer or a shortcut that directly…
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1 answer

Explorer.exe not starting after login on Windows Server 2003 (Terminal Services and console)

When users login to a Windows Server 2003 R2 running Terminal Services they have a blank desktop. Upon inspection, explorer.exe is not running. When I login as administrator, using either RDP or to the console, I am having the same issue. I can…
Pepperoni Icecream
0 answers

Cloudberry Glacier items re-appear after deletion

I am trying to delete several Glacier vaults using CloudBerry Explorer (Pro) I first request the inventory, wait until the archives are visible in CloudBerry, select all the high level folders in the vault, and click Delete. I watch as…
3 answers

Why does explorer.exe on Windows Server 2000 rise to 99% CPU when opening "My Computer"?

I have a Windows 2000 Server machine and every time I try to open "My Computer", the CPU jumps to 99% . I have to kill explorer.exe and restart it for the computer to resume normal operation (until I try to open my computer again). I installed the…
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2 answers

Mapped Drive -> UNC

We don't have a common set of drive mappings at our company for certain network shares. Inevitably, someone will create a custom drive mapping to a folder, then they will link to a document under that drive mapping and either embed the link into an…
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1 answer

Accessing files on a linux box, using a UNC path in windows explorer

The title says it all; I want to figure out a way to access files on a linux machine, by entering \\\ Into windows explorer, in the same way that I can do at work to access windows servers (which is a windows…