Disclaimer: Networking is not my strong point, it is my Achilles' heel.

At work I have been given a sandbox server to test my software with, I have full control over the server itself but the network/domain it sits in is offlimits for me.

I can RDP into it just fine from my machine, but for whatever reason I CAN'T view anything in the server by opening up an explorer window and going to address "\server ip address\"

Is there some setting I need to turn off or on to allow browsing using explorer?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advanced!

UPDATE : The machine is NOT local, it is remote and the OS is Server 2008 R2.

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2 Answers2


Please explain a bit what you are trying to do.

Are you:

A) RDPing into server, and then trying to browse to other machines from within the RDP session?

B) Trying to browse to the server from your local machine while also RDPing into it?

Either way, I would check two things first. The firewall settings (netbios port 137-139) and the network adapter settings (is netbios enabled?).

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Unfortunately this won't help the next person with this same issue resolve their issue, but I eventually turned the firewall off altogether on the remote machine and still I couldn't connect to it.

The only explanation I can come up with is that there's either a physical firewall or a firewall in some other component blocking that access at a higher level than my machine.

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  • I'm quite sure you are being blocked by a fw somewhere, do this for a last ditch test if you can try this "telnet serverip 445" what happens. Not sure if you have telnet available but you have nothing to lose. – tony roth Apr 04 '13 at 19:03
  • That was one of the first things I did when I started researching this. Couldn't connect. :( – IWriteApps Apr 04 '13 at 19:22
  • guess your sandbox will be less useful then. – tony roth Apr 04 '13 at 20:33