Questions tagged [exim]

Exim is a sendmail-compatible Mail Transfer Agent, licensed under the GPL, designed for Unix-like operating systems.

Exim is a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA), used to route and deliver email, for Unix-like operating systems. As an MTA, it is responsible for email getting from A to B, but not for client access to that email. Exim is used as the default MTA of some Linux distributions and for some control panel software. Its documentation is extensive and exhaustive, in the form of The Exim Specification. An undocumented feature is a bug. More details can be found in the wikipedia article on Exim.

Exim is licensed under the GNU General Public License, with various linking exemptions. There is a great deal of flexibility in the way mail can be routed, and there are extensive facilities for checking incoming mail.

Exim uses an ordered list of Routers to decide how to deliver a given message to a given recipient, accomplishing the delivery with a Transport. It uses a powerful string expansion system to provide configuration flexibility, including lookups of various forms and a wide variety of primitives. Authenticators are used to manage both the client and server side of authentication.

Exim Features

  • SMTP
  • TLS (via either OpenSSL or GnuTLS)
  • SMTP AUTH over a variety of authentication mechanisms, with data from various sources
  • Native support for mbox, mbx, maildir & mailstore formats, plus LMTP to a socket or invoking arbitrary delivery programs.
  • Filtering with Sieve and a powerful native filter language
  • Extensive string expansion configuration language
  • Support for many lookup types (Postgresql, Mysql, Sqlite, Oracle, LDAP, cdb, dbm, lsearch, NIS, DNS, whoson, passwd)
  • Native support for DNSxL lookups, socket communication,
  • An extensive Access Control List (ACL) system for filtering inbound email, with
  • Optional embedded Perl interpreter ${perl...}, plus support for dynamically loading modules ${dlfunc...}
  • Map/filter/reduce functions, lists
  • Strong regular expression support (the original author of Exim is also the author of PCRE, which was written for Exim)


Debugging guides & tools

How to ask good questions

  • Specify your operating system and version of Exim: uname -sr, lsb_release -d, exim -bV
  • Specify what you are trying to do (and perhaps why)
  • Mention things you have tried already
  • Describe what you are seeing, and how that is not what you expect
  • As appropriate, provide samples of the configuration used and the logs seen
1055 questions
1 answer

Configure Exim to forward email

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 VPS set up to manage and I've configured Exim to send email using this tutorial from the Linode Library. That's working, but in addition to sending email I realized I need a single non-root email address…
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1 answer

Exim speed up mails send/recieve mechanism

We are using Exim on CPANEL server with CENTOS 5. We have only one mail server hosted on US databasecenter contains all user mailboxes. Problem is that our users are in two different data centers in US and China. And China datacenter users having…
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2 answers

Exim authentication using Dovecot driver

Been following the instructions at the Dovecot Wiki for setting up Exim to share authentication credentials with Dovecot. I have setup Dovecot to deliver mails for virtual users and setup a router and transport within exim to deliver to these…
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5 answers

Exim4: Relay not permitted

I'm receiving error mails: couldn't reach your server; e-mail not sent. When I look at the Exim error logs, I see the host where I sent the mails from, followed by 'relay not permitted'. What can I do now?
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2 answers

exim: remote host is local host?

I don't know much about email servers and I am having some problems. I am trying to setup exim to forward emails to another port on the local host for testing purposes. Exim should basically connect to my test smtp server and send an email. Python…
Bill Zimmerman
6 answers

How might I stop BACKSCATTER using qmail?

I have a Linux box acting as Virtual Host for domain hosting. It runs CentOS and Parallels Plesk 9.x. Regardless of the following, the SPAM keeps flowing in at 1-3 / second. An explanation of the problem The xinetd service listens for SMTP…
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2 answers

Throttle outgoing mail by domain in exim

I am using exim to deliver mail generated by a web app. The, and domains are asking me to throttle the amount of mail I send but I have trouble in getting that configured in exim. The scenario goes like this: my web app…
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2 answers

How to get rid of "defer (-52): Retry time not yet reached" exim4 logs?

I have such a logs in mainlog of exim4. All I do with exim4 is learn only so all mails are fake. Now I try to manage theese logs that appear frequently: 2016-12-20 14:28:01 1cJ2UW-0006Yq-3m == R=manualrouteadam T=maildir_home defer…
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1 answer

exim4 configuration with SRS daemon

I'm struggeling setting up exim 4 with an external SRS daemon (Debian package srs). The srsd is running and converting addresses back and forward just fine. I can't use exim's built-in srs code, since it is not enabled in Debian (in know I can…
Adrian Zaugg
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1 answer

Exim not always sending AUTH LOGIN username/password

We are sending mail using exim (configured through WHM). With the same exact configuration, seemingly most of the time exim sends the correct AUTH LOGIN username and password, however sometimes it is omitting this part and sendgrid is refusing with…
Jared Farrish
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3 answers

Checking puppet-generated exim config before deploying

I use Puppet to generate /etc/exim4.conf and I want to make sure that the configuration is valid before I install the file on production systems. I've considered— using a git hook to call exim4 -bV -C filename... but this won't work because I use…
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4 answers

Emails sent from my server to Hotmail never arrive

I have the following problem. Some Hotmail/ users who register @ my website don't get verification emails. Exim logfile shows the following: 2015-01-22 19:45:04 1YELoT-0006U2-Su => R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp…
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2 answers

Rate limit exim per user basis

How can I implement "rate limit" in Exim so that every user in my exim can send specific number of emails per day. List A of Users can send 100 emails per day and the list B of users can send 500 emails per day.
Waqas Khan
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1 answer

Postfix Sender Verification 550

I have Postfix and Dovecot installed on a VPS, and configured to forward mail on to a Gmail address, and accept smtp requests from gmail so that it can send on that domains behalf. TLS and authentication are working, email is arriving, MX domains,…
Tom J Nowell
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1 answer

Exim4 require TLS for all hosts but localhost

As my webmailer does not support STARTTLS and I want to enable relaying for everyone at localhost, I would like to have Exim advertise AUTH PLAIN and LOGIN only without TLS if the connection was established from localhost. So in other words, I would…
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