Questions tagged [exim]

Exim is a sendmail-compatible Mail Transfer Agent, licensed under the GPL, designed for Unix-like operating systems.

Exim is a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA), used to route and deliver email, for Unix-like operating systems. As an MTA, it is responsible for email getting from A to B, but not for client access to that email. Exim is used as the default MTA of some Linux distributions and for some control panel software. Its documentation is extensive and exhaustive, in the form of The Exim Specification. An undocumented feature is a bug. More details can be found in the wikipedia article on Exim.

Exim is licensed under the GNU General Public License, with various linking exemptions. There is a great deal of flexibility in the way mail can be routed, and there are extensive facilities for checking incoming mail.

Exim uses an ordered list of Routers to decide how to deliver a given message to a given recipient, accomplishing the delivery with a Transport. It uses a powerful string expansion system to provide configuration flexibility, including lookups of various forms and a wide variety of primitives. Authenticators are used to manage both the client and server side of authentication.

Exim Features

  • SMTP
  • TLS (via either OpenSSL or GnuTLS)
  • SMTP AUTH over a variety of authentication mechanisms, with data from various sources
  • Native support for mbox, mbx, maildir & mailstore formats, plus LMTP to a socket or invoking arbitrary delivery programs.
  • Filtering with Sieve and a powerful native filter language
  • Extensive string expansion configuration language
  • Support for many lookup types (Postgresql, Mysql, Sqlite, Oracle, LDAP, cdb, dbm, lsearch, NIS, DNS, whoson, passwd)
  • Native support for DNSxL lookups, socket communication,
  • An extensive Access Control List (ACL) system for filtering inbound email, with
  • Optional embedded Perl interpreter ${perl...}, plus support for dynamically loading modules ${dlfunc...}
  • Map/filter/reduce functions, lists
  • Strong regular expression support (the original author of Exim is also the author of PCRE, which was written for Exim)


Debugging guides & tools

How to ask good questions

  • Specify your operating system and version of Exim: uname -sr, lsb_release -d, exim -bV
  • Specify what you are trying to do (and perhaps why)
  • Mention things you have tried already
  • Describe what you are seeing, and how that is not what you expect
  • As appropriate, provide samples of the configuration used and the logs seen
1055 questions
2 answers

Is there a way to force all cPanel users to change their passwords one time?

One of the cPanel servers I am running has constant troubles with compromised email accounts. I believe many of the users on this server have very weak passwords. I have increased the minimum password security, but that only takes effect when…
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4 answers

Exim4 does not add DKIM signature

Have spent 2 days trying to tell Exim to add DKIM signatures on my Debian8 server. No success. Have read many how-tos, forums but none of possible solutions wotk on my server. Have generated the keys: cd /etc/exim4/ openssl genrsa -out…
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4 answers

Remove Exim version number

I'm trying to get rid of the version number that you see when you get an email sent from Exim. Received: from user1 by with local (Exim 4.72) I'v tried editing smtp_banner in these two…
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1 answer

Exim4 - temporarily freeze outgoing emails from specific user

I need to temporarily freeze outgoing emails from specific sender with exim4. The sender logs in with remote SMTP (i.e. over TCP/IP). What I want to do is to freeze (but not deny) all his emails so I can check the queue and either allow or disallow…
Viktor Stískala
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3 answers

Can I use the same SSL certificate for smtp, imap, pop3 and http?

So far I'm using self-signed certificates, but decided to at least consider getting the "real" one. So far I noticed that internal formats of the certificated are a bit different, that is: http (nginx) certificate has only CERTIFICATE part (with…
1 answer

How do I generate a response file to be used with apt-get or aptitude?

I need to install exim4 through puppet. Because this installation requires interactive configuration, I need a response file, but I don't know how to generate one. So, how do I generate a response file?
Daniel C. Sobral
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1 answer

Understanding Exim4's /etc/aliases

Regarding this exim /etc/aliases man page I am not sure how /etc/aliases works. The /etc/aliases The file should contain lins of the form name: address, address, ... I looked in /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz, but all I want is an…
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3 answers

Understanding exim configuration files on Debian/Ubuntu

I want to understand what's going on with this Exim configuration directory. In /etc/exim4, there's: * exim4.conf.template * update-exim4.conf.conf * conf.d The conf.d has a mess of directories and files, and inside each are a bunch of if…
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1 answer

Is ed25519 well supported for the DKIM validation?

Based on the Exim4 docs I have the following script: #! /bin/bash -- ED="dkim_ed25519_$(date +'%Y%m%d')" RSA="dkim_rsa_$(date +'%Y%m%d')" ## Generate private key openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out "${ED}.private" openssl genrsa -out…
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3 answers

TLS: Error while reading file

I'm setting up a new server with Debian 8. Exim4 is preinstalled and I'm trying to get TLS working. I have copied the snakeoil key and cert into the /etc/exim4 folder and set the correct permissions and ownership: -r--r----- 1 root Debian-exim …
muz the axe
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3 answers

How to use "keep_environment" option in exim 4 on Debian

I am running exim 4.84_2 on Debian, now since a few weeks I get the following mails from anacron: /etc/cron.daily/exim4-base: LOG: MAIN Warning: purging the environment. Suggested action: use keep_environment. I have added the following line to…
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2 answers

Automatically rescan email with SpamAssassin after it has been received

For the past months, the amount of spam I've been receiving has been driving me crazy. Despite running SpamAssassin (with RBL checks) on my Exim4 mailserver, a lot of it has been finding its way to our mailboxes. I've noticed that the vast majority…
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1 answer

Exim doesn't want to do DKIM signing correctly

I'm using exim 4.82 on Debian sid. I've followed several tutorials on how to configure exim to sign outgoing emails, but it seems like something is not behaving as it should be. My diagnosis is that $sender_address_domain is always set to the…
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3 answers

How to remove all messages from exim mail queue from a certain user/email

I've spend the last hour trying to figure out how to delete all messages from a certain mail address from the exim mail queue, after the queue was full of spam emails.
Tim Baas
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2 answers

Remove local headers on debian wheezy for outgoing mail

I have clean installation of debian wheezy. I need to remove following headers: Received: from www-data by %SERVERNAME% with local (Exim 4.80) Related answers did not help, because i just can't find where to configure this: Remove exim local…
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