Questions tagged [escaping]

25 questions
3 answers

How does one escape the " ` " (accent grave/backtick) in a path?

I tend to prefix oft-used files and folders with the "accent grave" character (non-shift tilde, the back-tick, or plain-old accent, whathaveyou..), as it is easy to get at, and let's me sort things alphabetically, while letting me choose to show a…
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Apache mod_rewrite double encodes query string on redirect

We've encountered a strange issue (a bug, perhaps?) with Apache mod_rewrite's behavior when passing through query strings. To reproduce, we've set up a clean Ubuntu (oneiric) install with the default Apache configuration. We have enabled…
Erik Hesselink
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4 answers

Searching for literal "> \" using ack-grep

I am looking for lines that literally have a greater than character (a ">") followed by a space followed by a backslash character (a "\") i.e., a line with this: > \ I thought escaping would allow this, and for the greater-than it does: $…
Stephen Gornick
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3 answers

How to escape spaces in systemd unit files?

My unit file looks like this (already attempted to escape spaces as \x20 like the docs say): [Unit] Description=My…
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In a nginx configuration file, how to define a fastcgi_param that contains the "$" sign?

I'm trying to define a few environment variables for a PHP application but one of these variables contains the "$" sign. When I test the configuration file with nginx -t, I get an error message telling me that a variable does not exist. It seems to…
2 answers

How to escape or remove double quotes in rsyslog template

I want rsyslog to write log messages in JSON format, which requires to use double-quotes (") around strings. Problem is that values sometime include double-quotes themselves, and those need to be escaped - but I can't figure out how to do…
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3 answers

run local MySQL instance for fast mysql_real_escape_string calls

Currently all MySQL data/API calls are handled by a remote DB cluster (i.e. network latency is a factor in total script execution time). To reduce execution time in this context, would it be sensible to run a local MySQL instance on each app server…
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0 answers

DSGET escapes hash signs (#) in outputted Distinguished Names (DN)s but expects unescaped hash signs for input

Lets say I want to do the very simple query in AD dsquery user -name "John Smith" | dsget user -memberof -expand This will output the DNs of the AD groups that this user belongs to. I can make it print the friendly group name via: dsquery user…
4 answers

How to escape "/" in a sed command in Puppet script?

In a config file, I'm trying to replace PREFIX=/jenkins with, say, PREFIX=/foobar. On the (bash) command line, this works fine: sed -i.bak s/PREFIX=\\/jenkins/PREFIX=\\/foobar/g /etc/default/jenkins However, in a Puppet script (.pp file): exec {…
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1 answer

Passing inner quotes from EnvironmentFile variable to ExecStart

In the EnvironmentFile I have: EBUSD_OPTS="--scanconfig -d /dev/ttyEBUS -c /etc/ebusd --log=\"all notice\" --log=\"update error\"" In the .service file: EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/ebusd ExecStart=/usr/bin/ebusd $EBUSD_OPTS I would expect the…
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2 answers

Properly escaping a path with spaces in CMD shell

I have the following path: "d:\workspace\Server trunk - CI\make\make & publish.bat" However, when I try to execute this from a cmd shell, I get the error: 'd:\workspace\Server' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable…
Igal Tabachnik
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1 answer

Executing bash code interactively using -c flag

I am trying to run a shell fragment with the bash interpreter. Using the -c flag allows me to provide the commands directly into command line without writing to a file. This is required for my usage. Example working: $ bash -c 'free -m' The problem…
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Escape sequence for the escape key

On an SSH terminal, there is a command that takes over the terminal window, and it says I can press escape to end it. My SSH terminal does not handle the escape key. What is the escape sequence (Ctrl+something) that I can use in its place. (or is…
700 Software
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2 answers

Printing a '$' (dollar sign) to a file

I want to echo/printf a dollar sign into a file - but echo $ > myfile or such does not work (not surprising). I tried escaping it like echo \$ > myfile but it is also not working. What is the correct way to perform it? I'm working with TCSH on…
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1 answer

How to escape single quotes in rsync out-format parameter under bash?

I'm using bash version 3.0.9 under Centos 7, and I just can't seem to find a combination of escaping that will let me pass single quotes to the out-format parameter. I've tried every combination I think of to wrap the options in single or double…