Questions tagged [crucible]

Atlassian Crucible is the code review component of the FishEye repository browser

Atlassian Crucible is the code review component of the FishEye repository browser

8 questions
3 answers

Mercurial convert filename encoding

I have Mercurial repositories running on Apache with mod_wsgi. Repositories have all filenames encoded in windows-1251. This encoding is used for historically reasons: they were converted to mercurial from svn, windows-1251 is default windows…
Selivanov Pavel
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3 answers

Atlassian Crucible very slow on large repository

My company has been running a trial of Atlassian Crucible for some months now. For repositories where it's working properly, users have given very positive feedback about the tool. The problem I'm having is that we have several different projects,…
Mitch Lindgren
  • 183
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3 answers

Have FishEye+Crucible start at boot on Ubuntu

I asked this question at Atlassian but figured serverfault might be more appropriate as it's more of a sysadmin question than an Atlassian question: I have been attempting to follow this guide to have FishEye+Crucible start at boot. JIRA is already…
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1 answer

Can't import SSL key using keytool

I have a problem with keytool tool. I have a FishEye/Crucible server which needed to be connected to my Jira server. My Jira server uses SSL. I'm trying to import ssl certificate using the following command: keytool -importcert -alias "JiraCert"…
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1 answer

Atlassian FishEye + Crucible under Reverse Proxy

I have an instance of Atlassian FishEye+Crucible running in a server in a standard HTTP connection. But we need this instance to be also accessed from outside, over a HTTPS connection. Proposed solution? Revese Proxy, what already works fine for…
1 answer

Setting the date format in Atlassian Crucible

When I set up a review in Atlassian Crucible, and I set a date, it displays it in DD/MM/YYYY I'd like to switch that over to MM/DD/YYYY, but I don't see anywhere in the configuration to switch that. The closest setting I see is for the timezone,…
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1 answer

IIS 7.5 URL rewrite is dropping parts of URLs with a tilde (~)

I'm trying to run a reverse proxy through to a website running locally through IIS to get SSL functioning. I've got all my rules set up so that I can see 90% of the site perfectly. The application is Atlassian's Crucible, but I think my issue is…
1 answer

Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye: Can't browse changesets; strange debug message

I'm running Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye and all of a sudden none of my users can browse changesets for any of the configured repositories. The only clue I have as to the cause of this is the following message from the debug log: 2010-10-26…
Mitch Lindgren
  • 183
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