Questions tagged [encoding]

Encoding is changing a sequence of characters to symbols.

Encoding is changing a sequence of characters to symbols. Do not confuse with encryption.

148 questions
2 answers

UTF-8 Characters in Apache Access Log ✔

The issue I'm using PHP's apache_note() to log variables from web requests to a CustomLog format. However, try as I might, Apache doesn't want to log UTF-8 characters the way I'd like. In PHP, I have apache_note('some_value', '✔'); which corresponds…
Bill Huertas
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1 answer

Application localization problems in english windows server 2012

Here's what does it look like (encoding problems): OS is Windows Server 2012, English, clean installation. Previously I've tested this software with same server, but with russian OS version, it was OK. I've installed russian language pack, OS…
2 answers

URL Encoding force UTF-8 in CentOS 6.4

I have a simple html website in a CentOS 6.4 server. In every html page i have set I have already added in a .htaccess file the following line IndexOptions Charset=UTF-8 and in…
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2 answers

Tell apache to convert LF to CRLF for text/plain

The problem: I want to serve CRLF from files encoded as LF I have an apache2 httpd linux-based web-server configured to serve up (large) log files (*.log) generated by a linux-based simulator. These log files have the Unix-style LF ending rather…
Alex Brown
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1 answer

MySQL think 'außer' equals to 'auser'

I tried to migrate some tables from one MySQL database to the other, but I encountered an error: ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 108: Duplicate entry 'außer' for key 'PRIMARY' And I tried to find why, in the target database, i ran mysql> select 'außer'…
Fang-Pen Lin
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2 answers

How can UTF 8 encoding in a varchar field be transfered to an nvarchar field?

The UTF-8 characters (nearly a million records) were imported into varchar(max) as western european. Is there any known method of fixing this in SQL? We have verified that the "garbage" characters that are showing up are, in fact, based on the…
2 answers

How can I change the default encoding of a tomcat server/container?

I'm having problems with the character encoding of my webapp and would like to know how I can go about changing the default encoding of tomcat on the Linux production server to match the cp 1252 encoding of the dev server on windows (or at least…
Dark Star1
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2 answers

PHP code protector

We are about to deploy our PHP web application in different branches of our company and I am looking for PHP code encoders as to protect our PHP scripts from tampering. I know that Zend Guard is probably the most ideal tool there is, but…
Andreas Wong
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1 answer

Exchange 2016 mail flow rule sending email but, ???question marks appear instead of arabic

I have added a rule to block users from sending mail to any outside mail service like Outlook, Gmail,Yahoo, etc. The rule I applied sends an email to the sender, notifying that mail cannot be sent outside the organization, but the message is in…
David Kent
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0 answers

Encoding of username:password in Proxy-Authorize HTTP header

We use an explicit proxy to access the Internet. This is what the HTTP header for "407 Proxy-Authentication required" looks like: Proxy-Authenticate: BASIC realm="xxx"\r\n Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n Pragma: no-cache\r\n Content-Type: text/html;…
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1 answer

Character encoding on Windows Server 2008 R2

I have a problem with filenames on my Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. The files get uploaded by a webserver that runs Linux, on that machine there is a mount to our windows machine. When we upload files certain characters are shown in a weird way,…
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1 answer

PHP: No mapping for the Unicode character..., for specific greek characters

I have a windows IIS server working with PHP. The user inserts a word via an HTML form, it goes to PHP and then PHP calls a COM dll (vb6) function passing the word to the function as a utf8 string. Everything goes fine, until an input contains…
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0 answers

Squirrelmail, encode changes when replying emails

SM version 1.4.22 Centos 6.7 PHP 5.3.3 Apache 2.2.15 Plugins: filters delete_move_next message_details newmail translate squirrelspell set_user_data last versions Postfix 2.6.6, Dovecot 2.0.9 installed from Webmin CP Tests from Firefox…
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1 answer

utf-8 filename are ruined when uploading through IIS

When I upload files with UFT-8 file name through IIS on my Windows Server file names are ruined. (They are changed as if they are encoded in ASCII and therefore they are no more accessible). I Wonder if there is any work around for this problem. I…
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1 answer

Apache reverse proxy encodes characters

I have setup apache reverse proxy to serve bugzilla from behind a firewall with following config ProxyRequests Off ProxyPass /bugzilla nocanon ProxyPassReverse /bugzilla
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