Questions tagged [email-bounces]

email bounces are messages that are delivered to the nominated postmaster account on an email server to indicate a problem delivering the mail to one or more recipients.

email bounces are messages that are delivered to the nominated postmaster account on an email server to indicate a problem delivering the mail to one or more recipients.

Bounces can result from unknown users, failed mail servers, or other network or configuration issues.

395 questions
2 answers

Prevent bounce of outgoing email

Is it possible to specify a header in an outgoing mail (I'm using PHPMailer) that tells the receiving server that I do not want bounce or out of office replies back? The use case is for verification emails during registration (i.e., check that an…
Dr Ljotsson
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1 answer

Disclosure of recipient’s forward email address when my email bounces

A few times I had a situation like this: I sent an email to For this email, I received a delivery failure report, giving reasons like "550 5.1.1" (user unknown) or "552-5.7.0" (security issue). In this delivery failure report, a…
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1 answer

Dedicated server IP reputation good and not blacklisted but still getting bounced?

I have had my dedicated server for 2 months or so, having transferred from a different, very expensive, old and slow dedicated server, for all those reasons. Initially it got onto 1 or 2 blacklists which I hastily got them off (I now have a monitor…
1 answer

How to get whitelisted with Yahoo! email addresses

I have been running into issues with getting our company email server compliant to mass email Yahoo addresses. A number of emails range from 200 to 250 emails; however, about 40% of them at least get bounced back saying too many senders. Does anyone…
1 answer

after changing nameserver email not coming, Got domain from godaddy, site hosted on hostgator and gmail service from Google suite

We have developed a new site with external developer, and they have hosted website on to host they have given names servers, in Godaddy manage DNS I have selected custom name server and put both the name servers, now we have stop…
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1 answer

Mail undeliverable giving "Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 553 Relaying disallowed" error

I am running ubuntu 16.04 on an AWS EC2 instance. I've setup LAMP and configured apache to run multiple domains on the server. I plan to run a small number of low traffic websites on the same box. I've changed name servers for one domain to point to…
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1 answer

Sending mail when relay = gives me 550-5.7.1 (gmail)

When sending email using web UI (for example roundcube) and my relay is = I'm getting this error host[] said: 550-5.7.1 [ 12] Our system has detected that this message is …
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3 answers

Postfix setup from domain

I'm trying to sending email from nagios monitoring to some email addresses. But I have a problem with setup my from domain when I'm sending an email every time my from email address seems like this: from= and format like…
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Unexpected failure, please try later (in reply to end of DATA command)

while trying to send emails to the following address i always get the following error message. Could any one tell where can i look in order to find what's going wrong? This is the log lines generated by postfix: Jul 23…
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1 answer

Postfix + Mailq: Mailbox Full no bounce

I have a mail server and alot of clients. Some of my clients have many email accounts and dont use some of them. So, I have alot of mailboxes full, which receives dozens of emails every day. So, my mailq is full of these emails! The line below…
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3 answers

Can I use MX Record Configuration to send one account's email to one server and a second account's email to a different server?

For example, let's say my MX Record(s) specify: 0 server1 1 server2 Now let's say: is an account on server1 and is an account on server2 Will the sender try to…
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1 answer

hotmail doesn't accept my emails

I have installed and configure postfix as a mail server in ubuntu 12.04. I can send emails to gmail with no problem but I can't send them to hotmail when i enter in putty dig i got this: ; <<>> DiG 9.8.1-P1 <<>>…
Arh Hokagi
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How to save addresses from bounced messages in Exim 4?

I need to save all bounces in a database, so I can query it from my application and not mail to any address that bounced more than X times. If I recall correctly, Postfix allows to pipe messages to shell commands, so I was thinking that maybe Exim…
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e-mails of all the accounts were blocked due to spamming activity of a single account in shared hosting

I have around 25 websites hosted on shared hosting environment. Somebody, who has also hosted a website on the same hosting server started spamming. Due to this spamming activity the shared IP got black listed. Due the IP black listing and rated as…
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1 answer

EMail is not sending

I'm running exim with a CPanel setup. However, I am checking var/log/exim_rejectlog and am not seeing a single issue going to this hotmail account. its just not listed. but the email is not going in. i tried this: exim -bt…
Tiffany Walker
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