Questions tagged [email-bounces]

email bounces are messages that are delivered to the nominated postmaster account on an email server to indicate a problem delivering the mail to one or more recipients.

email bounces are messages that are delivered to the nominated postmaster account on an email server to indicate a problem delivering the mail to one or more recipients.

Bounces can result from unknown users, failed mail servers, or other network or configuration issues.

395 questions
1 answer

Removing non-0 priority MX records

I have MX records set up as such: 0: (runs of the webhost, really bad) 1: GOOGLE ... google I somehow accidentally added the Google Apps mx servers, btu didn't change the priority 0 record. Now weird stuff is happening. Most mail goes to…
3 answers

APACHE - PHP - Bounce emails

I want to improve our mail server lists by handling all the bounces we get in our websites. I have a website which has over 8000+ users and another website which as over 1500+ users, they are emailed various notifications every second, ie. job…
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2 answers

My bulk email company supresses all hard bounces -even if they get their IP's blocked

I send out about 500,000 emails every week. I have been sending the list out for about 1 year. But in conversation, I was advised that the company sends in a shared IP manner. So my list goes out with gambling and adult emails; and that their IPs…
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1 answer

Does gmail avoid from some emails even to be in spam box?

Does gmail avoid from some emails even to be in spam box? Thanks in advance
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1 answer

Restrict users to send emails only from a particular IP address to reduce SPAM

How to restrict people to send emails from my email domain to reduce SPAM. We are using postfix in ubuntu. Is there any parameter which I can configure in to achieve this? Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks
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