Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
2 answers

elasticsearch Active: failed (Result: exit-code)

[root@66-226-73-146 elasticsearch]# sudo service elasticsearch restart Restarting elasticsearch (via systemctl): [ OK ] [root@66-226-73-146 elasticsearch]# sudo service elasticsearch status ? elasticsearch.service - Elasticsearch …
Tahir Yasin
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1 answer

Auto delete elasticsearch data older than 30 days

I have setup a ELK stack to collect logs at central server. It is working perfectly. But by default it is holding elasticsearch index/data permanently. We just want to maintain the data for 30Days. Please anyone point me how to delete indexs/data…
Sunil Bhoi
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3 answers

Date field is being presented as integer

I have an Elastic Stack server (on Hyper-v) that is ingesting data via a logstash exec command and performing analytics on it. Everything is working great except a date field that is being displayed as a number. How do I get logstash, Elasticsearch…
Elliot Huffman
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1 answer

Logstash / Elasticsearch - Balancing index count with performance

We have a 4 data node ElasticSearch cluster: each node has 4 cores, 16GB RAM, and 160GB storage (the cluster has separate dedicated master nodes). The cluster is responsible for storing and presenting (with Kibana) a swath of different logs across…
J. Doe
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0 answers

Elasticsearch: fine-tuning for RAID0 HDD array storage

It is usually recommended to have the following index settings in case spinning disks are used for Elasticsearch data storage: none index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count: 1 However, let's say a RAID0 array of 16 HDDs is…
2 answers

Logstash output to Azure blobstorage

I am currently importing IIS-logs into Logstash using Filebeat, and the Logstash is configured to output the documents into Elasticsearch. Now I also want to output my IIS logs to Azure storage (blob) for longtime-backup purposes, but I cannot find…
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1 answer

cannot validate certificate - doesn't contain any IP SAN

I am currently in the process of installing ELK ( ElastricSearch, LogStash & Kibana) stack. My ELK server IP address is Elastic Search config is :: # ---------------------------------- Network ----------------------------------- # #…
Jason Stanley
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2 answers

How can I check if my ElasticSearch process is using compressed oops?

I'd like to figure out if I need to tune my currently-running ElasticSearch cluster. How do I check if a running HotSpot process is using compressed oops or not?
Jacob Krall
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1 answer

Microsoft Azure's SSD are too slow

We are running ElasticSearch on several Azure D12v2 instances, on Centos7. While indexing data, machines' IO seems to be quite poor, dancing between 3MB and 15MB per second, which is blatantly slow for SSD storage. --…
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0 answers

elasticsearch - delete specific indices from snapshot

I used Snapshot And Restore | Elasticsearch Reference to setup snapshot, however I did not specify which one of many indices I need to take snapshot of, which lead to 390 (at the moment) unneeded indices in my snapshots, which takes unnecessary…
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1 answer

Elasticsearch Curator unable to connect with AWS ElasticSearch service

From a server on AWS, I push data into AWS ES service. This data appears on Kibana just fine. I am also able to perform cleanup via cURL commands from this machine. However, no machine of mine is able to run ElasticSearch Curator successfully and…
Gil Zellner
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1 answer

Can I use AWS ES be integrated with Graylog2?

I am on a very initial setup and I want to know if I can use ES offered by AWS as a service to the Graylog2? I am quite sure this cannot be accomplished since AWS doesn't offer anything to configure.
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0 answers

Why does syslog create a user.log instead using syslog.log?

I have experienced something a bit weird for me. I have filebeat monitoring my rsyslog (syslog.log) file and sending it to my logstash. I have noticed that after restarting filebeat where syslog is running, syslogs creates a new file user.log under…
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1 answer

Nested objects from MySQL to ElasticSearch

I am new to ES and trying to load data from MYSQL to Elasticsearch using logstash jdbc. In my situation I want to use column values as field names, Please see new & hex in output data, I want 'id' values as field names. Mysql data cid id …
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1 answer

Using ELK X-pack for general purpose alerts and alarms

The X-pack package from Elastic is fully integrated with Elasticsearch and Kibana to provide (among other things) an alarm reporting platform. I believe that the regular use case is to build that from Kibana, with alarms as the results of particular…
Cedric H.
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