Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
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Integrating nginx logs and elasticsearch app-search

I'm trying to setup a self-managed docker appsearch instance, together with kibana and elasticsearch, queried by a uvicorn python app, proxied by a nginx webserver My current issue is that the appsearch logs show the python default user-agent and IP…
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Pi4+ runs Elasticsearch cluster of 1, gives yellow status

I am currently running Elasticsearch 7.3.2 on a Rasbian (Buster) instance on a Raspberry Pi 4+. It looks like it was running in a green status for a few days, processing files, but suddenly, i noticed a Yellow Status. I looked into gc.log and the…
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AWS ElasticSearch service does not provide Kibana users management

First I'm going to explain my current architecture. I have an EC2 instance running with a Logstash daemon, as input an http configuration and as output my AWS ElasticSearch instance. As I said before, I have an AWS ElasticSearch instance with the…
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ELK - Logstash not picking up syslog events

I'm setting up a ELK cluster using Centos 8 and version 7.4 of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. My issue is with Logstash not picking up the events coming through syslog. Configuring Logstash to read from files and sending it to elasticsearch it…
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Run OCR in Nextcloud with Docker

I'm using the official Docker image nextcloud:latest to run my Nextcloud instance. I managed to install Elasticsearch (on the host) and created an index. Search works so far. Now I want to OCR PDFs and installed the Tesseract plugin in Nextcloud.…
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elastic search behind haproxy

There are 4 elastic search nodes in a cluster and these 4 nodes are setup behind haproxy. Each of the node in the cluster is receiving around 900 to 1000 tcp connections, but one of the node has very less around 400 connections. Following is the…
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Elassandra "action_request_validation_exception"

Elasticsearch DEBUG: 2019-09-23T09:23:39Z starting request { "method": "HEAD", "castExists": true, "path": "/my_keyspace", "query": {} } Elasticsearch TRACE: 2019-09-23T09:23:39Z -> HEAD…
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Unable to access ElasticSearch on AWS EC2 with private/public ip

I have an Elastic Search running on 9200 on rhel 6. I cannot reach to it in aws with private/public ip. On the other hand, i try it with curl localhost:9200, it is good. I can also ping google. I have given the necessary port access from the…
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3 answers

t2.micro elasticsearch7.3 not working after editing config file

elasticsearch.service - Elasticsearch Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service; enabled; vendo Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2019-08-27 02:13:03 UTC; 3min 47 Docs: Process: 13227…
1 answer

regular timeout error at certain time period

My system sends the data to Redis via web server and ultimately stacks it in Elasticsearch. The thing is that Redis connection timeout error occurs when the traffic is small. The error always occurs at 5 AM in Korean time around one to five…
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Error from server (Timeout): error when creating "STDIN": Timeout: request did not complete within requested timeout 30s

I'm trying to Deploy the Elasticsearch cluster, yet running into following error (timeout): $ cat < apiVersion: > kind: Elasticsearch > metadata: > name: quickstart > spec: > …
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How to fix unable to connect to ldapserver - Authentication Finally Failed

I'm using openldap on opendistro for elasticsearch with docker I get this error: elasticsearch | [2019-07-31T12:48:42,590][WARN ][c.a.o.s.a.BackendRegistry] [28da1860f0c0] Authentication finally failed for cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com from…
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logstash and rsyslog sends wrong hostname

I'm setting up a centralised logging system, comprising two VM's. Logger, which acts as the central syslog collector (using rsyslog) and Logstash processor; and Searcher, which acts as the Elasticsearch and Kibana host. I have syslogs from my…
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Elasticsearch 404 attempting to create index through nginx proxy

I am attempting to proxy Elasticsearch through nginx. Most things seem to work, but one thing that is having problems is creating indexes. This works when connecting directly to ES: curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/foo" -fsS -o/dev/null -d@- <<…
rich remer
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logstash not able to upload data to elasticsearch even the pipeline started

I am using elasticsearch 7.1.1 and logstash 7.1.1. I am trying to upload a log file to elastic search using grok filter. Pipeline is getting started, but data is not getting uploaded. Here is my config file. input{ file { path =>…