Hi running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. My server has 128GB of RAM.

I'm using Elasticsearch which is configured with ES_HEAP_SIZE=30GB

With Task Manager
Private Working Set: 33GB
Working Set: 97GB

Looking with RAMMap.exe
Process Private Total: 34GB
Process Private Active: 34GB
Mapped File Total: 90GB
Mapped File Active: 64GB

Let's say with all processes running there about 95GB free. Is it possible to tell Windows cache upto 90GB of mapped files and leave 5GB open?

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1 Answers1


While not an exact match there are APIs available to set file cache sizes or working set sizes, for example SetSystemFileCacheSize.

There are utilities around that use these APIs. One such is Sysinternals CacheSet

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  • Yeah I found that one after I posted the question. But it's nothing permanent either. I.e: after reboot I you lose the config and it's not a service either. Hummmm. What would happen if Windows had no more file cache to allocate? Would it swap out older files for newer ones? – user432024 Jun 09 '15 at 02:50