Questions tagged [duplicity]

duplicity is an open source software to backup data incrementally in an encrypted format. It can save/upload the backup to local or remote destination. It is written in python and uses librsync.

101 questions
7 answers

How can one efficiently use S3 to back up files incrementally?

I understand how rsync works on a high-level, but there are 2 sides. With S3 there is no daemon to speak of — well there is, but it's basically just HTTP. There look to be a few approaches. s3rsync (but this just bolts on rsync to s3). …
Jaimie Sirovich
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2 answers

Duplicity Full Backup Lifetime and Efficiency

I'm trying to work up a backup strategy for some clients, and am leaning towards duplicity for remote backup (already use rdiff-backup for internal/on location backups). Is it reasonable to want a full backup every so often? Since duplicity…
Tim Lytle
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2 answers

How to list all available backup dates using duplicity

Using duplicity to backup a folder on a certain event, how can I get a list of all available backup dates as I don't know in advance when the event occurred? I want to list the available dates as deja-dup does. Final goal is to restore a certain…
Luca Borrione
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1 answer

Duplicity: recommended value for --volsize?

I am backing up ~800GB from a server to a NAS via Gigabit (destination is a share mounted on the server I need to backup). What value would you recommend for volsize? Thanks
Vito Botta
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5 answers

Duplicity: How to list versions of a file?

Using Duplicity I can make an incremental, efficient backup to an untrusted remote storage. This works fine and I can restore files at a specific point in time (or the next backup after that). Well now I want to know when in the history of all the…
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2 answers

How can I restore a duplicity backup from a certain date?

Is it possible to restore a duplicity backup from a certain time in the past? For example, if I'm making daily incremental backups, is there a way to restore a backup from three days ago?
2 answers

Very Huge Sized Cache of Duplicity

I am currently using a duplicity script to backup my 110G/2T CentOS server to a 2T sftp server. Since 4 days passed, duplicity backed up just 90G. This is not a problem. The main problem is; I have got nearly 600G cache that duplicity generated at…
Bahadir Tasdemir
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4 answers

Backup a remote directory with duplicity

Is it possible to backup a remote directory to a local path? Using two URL in the command raises Two URLs specified. One argument should be a path. Using only one for the remote but specifying the full option raises --full option cannot be used…
M. Toya
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3 answers

Duplicity not writing to a pre-existing S3 bucket

I'm trying to backup a directory to a pre-existing Amazon S3 bucket using the following command: duplicity --no-encryption system/ s3+http://MY_BUCKET_NAME/backup However, I'm getting the following error consistently: S3CreateError: S3CreateError:…
Saurabh Nanda
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4 answers

Preventing duplicate DHCP server on network

How can I prevent a duplicate DHCP server on a network from interfering? Is it possible? I am not asking for any actual scenario that is happening, just curiosity. In my apartment complex there is a network and internet provided, someone caused…
Sonny Ordell
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2 answers

How can I use Duplicity with a symmetric key?

I am using duplicity to perform backups on my server. Right now duplicity is encrypting the backup using a GPG public-private key system. I would prefer to encrypt the backup files using just a passphrase, so I don't have to try and keep up with…
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5 answers

user GPG key not able to be used by SUDO

I created a script that runs duplicity to backup files I have on a VPS,and uses a GPG key that I generated as a user. When I try and run this script as SUDO I get: GPGError: GPG Failed, see log below: ===== Begin GnuPG log ===== gpg: C7B2Y6DO:…
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1 answer

How can I set up automated, encrypted backups of live MySQL databases on a Ubuntu VPS to Google Drive using Duplicity?

We're using DigitalOcean as our VPS provider. They have a tutorial on how to set up Duplicity for encrypted backups, but it doesn't cover database backups or the Google Drive endpoint. I found a few other tutorials online regarding Duplicity and…
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1 answer

Why does duplicity need a passphrase for OpenPGP encryption?

I'd like to use duplicity to backup files and I'd like to encrypt them with GnuPG. I was wondering why duplicity asks for a passphrase to encrypt the files. For asymmetric encryption the passphrase is only needed for decryption. I was using the…
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4 answers

How to manually extract a backup set made by duplicity?

I have a set of files on my webserver produced by duplicity software: duplicity-full.20110315T085334Z.vol1.difftar.gz duplicity-full.20110315T085334Z.vol2.difftar.gz duplicity-full.20110315T085334Z.vol3.difftar.gz etc... (50 files, total size about…
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