Questions tagged [duplicity]

duplicity is an open source software to backup data incrementally in an encrypted format. It can save/upload the backup to local or remote destination. It is written in python and uses librsync.

101 questions
1 answer

Prevent duplicity to download all manifests

I need to restore most recent duplicity backup into the clean VM. Backup interval is 1 hour. The oldest backup should be 6 months. And every time I restore backup into clean VM duplicity downloads all the manifests and signatures. And it takes a lot…
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sftp backups with duplicity fail

I'm using duplicity on debian wheezy, which comes with version 0.6.18 as standard package. I also tried version 0.6.24 from wheezy-backports. I want to use sftp as backend, but if I run: duplicity --full-if-older-than 1M --exclude /run --exclude…
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4 answers

Duplicity backup to S3: BackendException

I'm trying to configure my Duplicity installation to backup to an Amazon S3 bucket. I keep getting a BackendException error with no further details. EDIT: I've removed my Duply configuration from this question in an effort to isolate the issue more…
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1 answer

How can I speed up my Duplicity backup?

I need to perform onsite backups of hundreds of gigabytes from a few Xen VMs to some storage available on a dedicated server in the same network, with a Gigabit connection. The data is mostly MySQL data - I use Percona XtraDB Cluster - backed up…
Vito Botta
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2 answers

How does Duplicity check for modifications (mtime or checksum)?

How does Duplicity determine if the local version of a file has been modified since the last backup? Does it only look for a different mtime/size etc., or does it actually check for modified content, by verifying some kind of content checksum (MD5…
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3 answers

Duplicity and Google Drive

Is it there a way to make duplicity backups to Google Drive? As far as I understand, WebDav and FTP are not supported by Google Drive. But maybe there is an extension to duplicity in the works?
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1 answer

Duplicity restore reports "Invalid SSH password" when I'm using a private key for connection

I'm testing the restoration of a backup with duplicity 0.6.15. I can login to my backup server just fine using ssh and sftp using the following commands and my private key: ...sftp root@client:~# sftp -oPort=7843 backupUser@192.168.x.x Enter…
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2 answers

Why does Keychain compain that is missing?

I'm reading this article on setting up unattended backups in Duplicity. I'm in the part called 7.2. SSH KeyCaching I've added the following to my root .bash_profile keychain --clear id_rsa . /root/.keychain/www-sh The article states that keychain…
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3 answers

Problems restoring file backed up on Windows using Duplicati to a Linux server running mono

TL/DR version: Mono + Duplicati.commandline.exe restore etc. etc. spits this out for several files regardless of what I try. I am able to list sets, list files in said sets, even do a verify, but each time i do a restore of any kind, i get errors to…
1 answer

Restore files from certain increments using Duplicity

Given the following backup sets ... Found primary backup chain with matching signature chain: ------------------------- Chain start time: Tue Jun 21 11:27:26 2011 Chain end time: Tue Jun 21 11:27:59 2011 Number of contained backup sets: 2 Total…
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1 answer

NIC bandwidth usage graphing as percent (not kbps/mbps)

I would like to validate a certain thought with you guys. Assuming that: The device whose bandwidth I am measuring is an internal, Linux-based, router. If a NIC is configured to 100mbps, the network is at least 100mbps (that is, the NIC's speed…
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4 answers

Most cost efficient way to backup Subversion data to S3?

I'm looking at using S3 as an offsite backup repo for my Subversion database. When I dump my SVN database, it's about 10 gigabytes. I would like to avoid the charge of uploading that data repeatedly. The anatomy of this large file such that new…
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0 answers

Duplicity "add-only" incremental backup

I have a large duplicity backup stored in a server that would be too slow and costly to fully restore, but I want to perform an incremental backup of a relatively small amount of data that was missing from the initial backup. I already have the…
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1 answer

How can I remove a particular directory from a duplicity backup archive without affecting the rest of the backups, to save space?

Due to some really buggy software that likes to write its own backup files to its working area even when that it disabled, duplicity has backed up those backups resulting in several hundred GBs of useless data in its archives (I use duplicity to…
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1 answer

Where does duplicity store the key that it creates?

I started a backup via duplicity without giving it any options. I haven't created any GPG keys myself, so when I ran duplicity, it asked me for a passphrase, then created a key, and successfully backed-up (to BackBlaze B2) with encryption and…