Questions tagged [drupal7]

This tag is for questions regarding Drupal 7 specifically. Version tags should be used only when strictly necessary, for questions that apply to Drupal version 7 only.

Drupal version 7 was officially released on January 5, 2011.

Use this tag only if your question relates specifically to this version.

Minimum requirements for Drupal 7:

  • Disk space: 15 Megabytes
  • Web server: Apache 1.3, Apache 2.x, or Microsoft IIS
  • Database server: MySQL 5.0.15 or higher with PDO, SQLite 3.3.7 or higher Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle are supported by an additional module.
  • PHP: PHP 5.2.5 or higher (5.3 recommended)

Related tags:


32 questions
3 answers

Enable password login for SFTP while keeping authentication by SSH keys

How do I keep a password login enabled for SFTP transactions (made by Drupal, if this is important) while keeping it disabled for all other SSH key based authentications? Currently all the existing users of the CentOS server use keys to log in and…
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1 answer

NginX->Varnish->PHP-FPM Blank pages

I want to put nginx in front of Varnish, which at the same time will go back to nginx to serve some PHP (Drupal). But I am only getting blank pages (from Varnish) with 200 response, but length 0. Only the first access after restarting varnish works,…
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1 answer

Is Amazon s3 required if am using Cloudfront for files

I am planning to host a website in Amazon Ec2 instant. I got some basics from the docs. But I have few confusions. If am using cloudfront for CDN, do i really need to server files from s3? The site am hosting is build on Drupal. Does it have any…
Safwan Erooth
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2 answers

Why is Varnish not caching?

I am troubleshooting the setup of Varnish 3.x on my Ubuntu server. I'm running Drupal 7 on two sites set up on the box, via named-based vhosts. Before trying to get Varnish to play nice with Drupal I'm trying to just get Varnish to a PNG from…
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2 answers

What are these zero-length files created by Apache in the tmp directory?

Any ideas on why apache (httpd) creates these files in /tmp? I'm on Redhat 5.5 and Apache 2.2, mpm-prefork. -rw-------. 1 apache apache 0 Aug 14 12:46 filec1puD5 -rw-------. 1 apache apache 0 Aug 14 12:46 fileKJqaih -rw-------. 1…
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1 answer

Backend fetch failed - varnish wont fetch drupal backend

I run a drupal 7 application(3backends) and i have 3 varnish servers continuously denying to fetch backend. I have read many similar error here but still cant solve my problem, throwing 503 varnish fetch failed guru meditation. I have read all the…
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2 answers

403 Forbidden on lamp-server vhost

This is on my dev machine which is running Linux mint 16 (which is based on Ubuntu 13.10). I installed lamp via: apt install lamp-server^ and am running Apache 2.4.6 Upon installing lamp I created an info.php file to run phpinfo(); in /var/www,…
Daniel Toebe
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0 answers

Configuring mod_auth_sspi to find remote user

I have been trying for a while now to get mod_auth_sspi up and running to help run a Drupal Intranet. The Drupal LDAP modul and the Drupal SSO instructions have been followed. I am running a Uniform Server 8.12 -…
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1 answer

File upload permissions issue on Windows Server 2008 R2 IIS 7.5 PHP 5.3 with Drupal v.7.26

I have website on Drupal version: 7.26 OS on server is Windows Server 2008 R2 Web server $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 Server API: CGI/FastCGI Core PHP Version: 5.3.28 file_uploads: On post_max_size: 75M upload_max_filesize:…
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1 answer

Installing APC on Centos 6 package dependency issues - Which direction should I proceed

I have a CentOS 6.4 x32 VPS running NGINX and Drupal 7. To improve response I would like to install and configure APC. To do this my first attempt was to install it using PECL. To start I fired this command yum install php-pear php-devel…
sridhar pandurangiah
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2 answers

How to sync the databases of a load-balanced drupal site

I have a production environment setup where my drupal site is hosted on two servers, mapped to the same domain, each with a copy of code and database, running on XAMPP. So basically, they are two independent entities. Now I have users accessing the…
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5 answers

How to speed up Drupal 7 with remote DB (not DNS resolving)

we have Drupal 7 on Ubuntu LTS virtual machine (VMWare) with MySQL 5.1 server on the same physical server, but on a different virtual machine. The Drupal website is currently under development, therefore there is practically no traffic, however,…
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1 answer

How does ubuntu, mysql determine hostname?

This is the specific Q: I have apache running on ubuntu in parallels and mysql running on this VM and on the host OS X. Since I try to emulate my production environments locally I connect to the remote mysql server on OS X. I do that successfully…
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2 answers

Nginx cannot work on ports other than 80

I had Ngxin working just fine. But now I want to change my site to another port. I tried with my Drupal site and my bare-bone php script site. Both not working. My vhost is simple. server { listen 81; server_name; …
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2 answers

Sendmail - exim4, postfix, Drupal SMTP - none working

I want to send emails from my Debian 6 server. I only want to send. I've followed every set of instructions I can find for Sendmail, Exim4 and Postfix and can not get any working. I tried the SMTP Authentication Support module to send mail through a…
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