Questions tagged [drupal-6]

This tag is for questions regarding Drupal 6 specifically. Version tags should be used only when strictly necessary, for questions that apply to Drupal version 6 only.

Drupal version 6 was officially released on February 13, 2008.

Use this tag only if your question relates specifically to this version.

Drupal 6 is currently the second supported version, together with Drupal version 7. It will be officially supported until Drupal 8 has reached it's first official release. After that, bugs will no longer be fixed for Drupal 6.

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15 questions
2 answers

Auto restart server if virtual memory is too low

There are quite number of software running on my server: httpd, varnish, mysql, memcache, java.. Each of them is using a part of the virtual memory and varnish was configured to be allocated 3GB of memory to run. Due to high traffic load which is…
Sukhjinder Singh
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3 answers

Adding Drupal to my server means it now has performance problems

I have a vb 3.8.4 forum and a drupal pressflow 6.22 site on together on my hosting server When i added the drupal site to the server I had a lot of performance problems in the server And sometimes it made the server go down Here is the host server…
0 answers

Amazon EC2 Instance - m1.medium Ubuntu 12.04 - Started to crash three days ago

The environment: Amazon EC2 Instance - m1.medium Ubuntu 12.04 Apache 2.2.22 - Running a Drupal Site Using MySQL DB Server RAM info: ~$ free -gt total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3 1 …
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1 answer

Ubuntu 12.04 Server - MySQL keeps crashing - Possible InnoDB problems

I have been searching for a solution but nothing seems to work. I have a single Drupal 6 website up on this server. Server:Ubuntu 12.04 Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.8 MySQL 5.5.32 Drupal 6 Here is a link to my Apache2 and MySQL error…
1 answer

Installing drupal 6 from scratch in nginx

So I am trying to install a fresh drupal 6 site on nginx. I have successfully setup the conf files and db. When I try to access so that I can follow the step by step installation guide, it properly redirects to but…
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1 answer

Unusual characters not loaded in Nginx Drupal Boost static cache

(Setup: Drupal 6.20, Boost 1.18, Nginx 0.7.67) When the URL of the boosted node contain character → or 中国新闻网新闻中心, the node is correctly cached in the cache directory, and correctly reflecting the URL. But when accessing the node, the uncached node…
3 answers

Drupal site off-line: connection refused

I've got a local Drupal 6 instance that was working just fine yesterday. Today, though, I try to visit my site, let's call it http://testsite.local. On every page, including http://testsite.local/user, I get this error: Site off-line The site is…
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4 answers

Running Drupal on a 256MB VPS?

Can I run Drupal on 256MB VPS hosting ? I know it depends on many factors, but I mean... can I run few Drupal websites on such VPS.. ? What are important configuration settings to optimize performances ? thanks
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1 answer

Block IP address for certain time period

I have created a php script which generally counts how many times an IP address accessed our site more than x number of times within 1 minute. Afterwards I created a shell script top ban those ip addresses to access port 80 who exceeded x number of…
3 answers

how to strip string from url using rewrite rule

Possible Duplicate: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mod_Rewrite Rules but Were Afraid to Ask? sometimes my drupal site add extra string to image url which causes the image to be broken. the url…
Alaa Alomari
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3 answers

Running Drupal on lighttpd

If I run Drupal on lighttpd webserver, I still have all features or I'm going into some limitations ? For examples, what could be the major issues or any drawback to use it together with Drupal ? thanks
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2 answers

greengeeks drupal install imagemagik 'path /usr/bin/convert' does not exists error

I just signed up with greengeeks. I have a drupal install (6.19) on my public_html directory. The ImageMagic Toolkit can't find the binary - the error I get is "the path /usr/bin/convert" does not exist. when I use a terminal and do 'which convert'…
3 answers

How can I relay email through google apps from drupal website?

Possible Duplicate: Configure Postfix to send/relay emails Gmail ( via port 587 I have multiple drupal websites running on an Ubuntu slicehost vps. Naturally, that means that I have a fair number of domains pointing to my one…
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2 answers

Drupal: what happen when I change the server root folder?

I've drupal installed in I'm now ready to change the root directory of the website to drupal/ in order to make it available as ''. However I was wondering if all the files and images uploaded with CCK…
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1 answer

How do I figure out how the "Pharma Hack" hackers are gaining access to my site?

One of my sites has been the continuous target of the "Pharma Hack" - but it's using Drupal instead of Wordpress or Joomla. It is version 6, but it's updated to the latest version, and so are all of the modules that I have installed. I've changed…
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