Questions tagged [dreamhost]

DreamHost is a Los Angeles-based web hosting, public cloud provider and domain name registrar.

DreamHost is a Los Angeles-based hosting, public cloud provider, and domain name registrar.

DreamHost's shared, , and dedicated hosting network consists of Apache, nginx and lighttpd web servers running on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Also included are 25+ apps including , Drupal, Joomla and Magento e-commerce along with free certificates, multi-factor authentication, and Whois privacy.

DreamHost Cloud offers cloud computing services and storage, based on and making it compatible with the most popular SDKs and configuration management tools. Its virtual servers are fast, ssh ready in 30 seconds (or less).

DreamHost's Cloud team welcomes contributions to the Cloud Knowledge Base on github and regularly hangs out on IRC freenode #dreamhost.

60 questions
2 answers

zabbix on a Dreamhost shared-server

I had some severe performance problem lately on my dreamhost shared server, and eventually they disabled some of my domains. At the end of a long discussion with "support" i understood that the problem in not a singel domain, but having too many…
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Websocket on dreamhost shared hosting

I would like to build a small webapp with some i/o communication with the server via ajax. Since I'm on a dreamhost shared server I already know that I cannot use node.js to build my app. But now, reading around the internet, I'm starting to suspect…
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"Rails application failed to start properly" when trying to create a new issue in Redmine

A few weeks ago I had my Dreamhost account deactivated because I forgot to change my credit card information when I switched cards. I had a perfectly operational Redmine installation that went down for about a day. After reinstating my account,…
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Server optimization for WP on Dreamhost VPS: mod_php + xcache? FCGI?

I'm trying to optimally configure, a WP driven site, from use on my new VPS. On this page: - under "WordPress optimization" I see a couple pieces of advice. 1) "If all domains are set to use FCGI…
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How to configure DNS so that goes to one server, * to another

I'm trying to set up my domain as follows, but I'm not actually sure if it's possible. I have a domain where I would like the base and www addresses to go to my static site, but others to go to my application server. For example: My domain is…
Dave Hollingworth
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1 answer

Map a URL bought with Dreamhost to Amazon EC2 (AWS)

I have several URLs I purchased through Dreamhost. I'm starting to use Amazon's AWS, and I'd like to map the URLs to Amazon. This is something of a silly question, and I've already done the same thing several times to other services (mapping from…
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.htaccess on Dreamhost shared hosting

I have mod_rewrite working perfectly on my local machine, but I'm getting a redirect loop on my shared server at Dreamhost. I think I'm missing something really obvious. Any ideas why this would not work on a shared server? I'm using…
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Rack Error with DreamHost, Passenger, and Rails 3.0.0.rc

Background: I have viewed this question as well as this one - sadly, to no avail. Error Message (Passenger): You have already activated rack 1.1.0, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.2.1. Consider using bundle exec. my Gemfile: source…
2 answers

Disable mod_security on Dreamhost, for a single cgi script

I've searched around a lot, and tried various tweaks to .htaccess files to try to turn off mod_security for a particular cgi script (uber uploader) but it doesn't seem to have any effect. The most popular one I see rehashed all over the web is: #…
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3 answers

PHP mail() bounces

I am sending email using mail() under PHP5 on Dreamhost (which I believe uses the local sendmail or other MTA) ... bounces are coming back to the sending shell user, instead of to the user in the From:/Reply-To: header. Any ideas?
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Switching Hosting provider and taking my Gmail account with me

My site is currently hosted on Dreamhost and I used their control panel to set up a GMail account of the form : I am about to move everything over to Heroku. The question: Is my email account tied to Dreamhost in anyway? I didn't…
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Is random response from DNS authoritative server normal

We are trying to setup Lets Encrypt certificate issuance using cert-manager and dns01 solver. We are using Dreamhost as our DNS provider and we created glue component that bridges between RFC-2136 cert-manager and Dreamhost API. We are experiencing…
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site is not accessable on single ip

OUR SIDE: The website is hosted by WordPress on DreamHost server. There are not any filters in WordPress and I can't see any IP blocks on Dreamhost server. CLIENT SIDE: Client has a single internet connection with 3 public IP. There are no firewalls…
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Dreamhost SSH activity now ip is blacklisted

I think that dreamhost blacklisted my ip address. I am giving this assumption due to the fact that I can not visit any of the hosted sites on the dreamhost server (namor). I also still have an internet connection! Better yet I can view all of the…
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Dreamhost closed my domain for excessive resources usage

I come directly from stackoverflow, and is my first time posting here! I manage many domains on dreamhost for my NGO (non-governative-organization). some days ago dreamhost disabled (with very short advise) 3 of my subdomains for resources over…
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