Questions tagged [docker]

Docker is an open source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers.

Docker is an open source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. Docker extends a common container format called Linux Containers (LXC), with a high-level API providing a lightweight virtualization solution that runs processes in isolation. Docker utilizes LXC, cgroups, and the Linux kernel itself. Unlike traditional virtual machines, a Docker container does not include a separate operating system, instead it relies on the operating system’s functionality provided by the underlying infrastructure.

3896 questions
4 answers

gcloud docker -- push results in login attempt failed with 404

I am trying to push a docker image to Google's container registry but keep getting a error about Docker login having failed. I run gcloud docker -- push I get back ERROR: Docker CLI operation failed: Error…
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How do I expose the docker API over TCP?

I am using portainer and am unable to manage remote endpoints. I tried using the command line to connect to remote docker nodes, but got a message Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://:. Is the docker daemon running?. Yes,…
Lord Loh.
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1 answer

Why does a Docker container running a server expose port to the outside world even though said port is blocked by iptables?

I'm having a problem with MySQL running inside a Docker container. My testing image is built from the following Dockerfile: # See: FROM ubuntu:12.10 MAINTAINER Joni Kahara # Because…
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2 answers

How to decide between a docker volume container and a docker volume?

After reading the docs I found myself somewhat confused as to how best to manage productive application/service data. There seem to be 3 options: Simply map volume to host directory (i.e. -v argument for docker run) Create a docker container image…
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Is it a good idea to store Docker volumes in glusterfs?

I am currently thinking about migrating some of our servers and apps to a coreOS environment. One of the problems I see here is the management of persistent data as coreOS does not handle Docker volumes when moving a container to a new machine.…
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Docker volume backup and restore

I'm using Docker to deploy some services on a CentOS 6.4 server, and I'm trying to figure out how to properly backup data they generate. For example, one of the services is a web application where users can upload files. For this container, I have a…
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1 answer

docker - volumes vs mount binds. what are the use cases?

After reading and playing around with docker for a short while, I am considering using it in my production environment. However I am still trying to understand the difference between mount binds and volumes. According to Dockers documentation on…
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Iptables rule-set so that a docker container can access a service on a host IP

I have troubles accessing a host private interface (ip) from a docker container. I'm fairly certain that it's related to my Iptables rules (or perhaps routing). When I add the --net=host flag to docker run, everything works as expected. Similarly…
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1 answer

Mount a SSHFS volume into a Docker instance

I use SSHFS to mount a remote filesystem on my host and I want to be able to access it from inside a Docker container. I mount the remote filesystem sshfs -o idmap=user,uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g) user@remote:directory /path/to/sshfs And, using…
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1 answer

FreeBSD Jails or Docker instances

What are the main differences between jails on FreeBSD and Docker on Linux? Is one considerably more secure or more performant than the other? Jails are way older than Docker instances so the code itself could be considered more secure. But Jails…
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6 answers

Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table storage engine for 'user' doesn't have this option

This error message shows up when I use ubuntu 16.04 and the latest mysql 5.7.19-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 in a Docker image. What could be done to fix this? To reproduce the error Get the Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt update RUN…
Wolfgang Fahl
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2 answers

How to add a file to a docker container which has no root permissions?

I'm trying to add a file to a Docker image built from the official tomcat image. That image does not seem to have root rights, as I'm logged in as user tomcat if I run bash: docker run -it tomcat /bin/bash tomcat@06359f7cc4db:/usr/local/tomcat$ If…
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How to delete a docker network that does not exist?

I have a docker swarm configuration with 3 nodes. There is a network that sits on only one of the nodes. On that particular node, docker network ls shows the network, docker network rm [network-id] says "Error response from daemon: network ... not…
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3 answers

Why are environment variables different with `bash -c`

How come the following, i.e. echoing $PATH directly from bash -c: docker exec -i -t my_container bash -c "echo $PATH" returns a different value for $PATH than what follows, i.e. starting an interactive bash session and echoing the $PATH? docker…
Alessandro Vernet
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2 answers

Docker exec/run shell command nesting

A short introduction to the use case: I am using a docker container to run my go tests using go test ./.... This can be achieved easily using docker exec /bin/sh -c "go test ./...". Unfortunately go test ./... runs across all…
Wesley van Opdorp
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