Questions tagged [docker-compose]

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

529 questions
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Cannot change /etc/hosts in docker container with read_only root filesystem

I am trying to add a line in /etc/hosts file with a specific IP and a hostname. The IP is static and the hostname is retrievable from the /etc/hostname. However, I want my root file system to be read-only. So I get the following error: /etc/hosts:…
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Should I have seperate docker compose files for each server?

So I'm evaluating docker for our current system and I just have a couple of questions. Note I'm not an expert, I just want some answers here to try to get a clearer impression of whether Docker works for our organisation. So we want to deploy a .NET…
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404 Not Found with nginx and php

I got inside the browser: 404 Not Found nginx/1.13.10 and in the logs I got: $ ls logs/ nginx-access.log nginx-error.log $ cat logs/* - - [27/Mar/2018:02:11:35 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 572 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS…
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Dockerise a laravel application - getting permission denied on apache server

I am trying to dockerise my laravel site. I am on Windows 10 and the docker toolbox doesn't work quite well for me (relative path doesn't mount well). So, I have decided to setup a Virtualbox Ubuntu 16.x server and install docker CE inside the VM.…
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Build new image, lose old volue data?

In my docker compose file, I specify two services: phpant (a custom image derived from debian with PHP compiled and postfix running so PHP can actually send emails) and a mysqldb service that pulls the latest from the docker hub. In the phpant…
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Docker with wordpress/mysql/nginx, no styles in wordpress

So I'm trying to configure few containers with docker-compose. My goal being to use nginx to run wordpress-fpm. So far here is my docker-compose.yml: version: '3' services: nginx: image: nginx links: - wordpress …
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2 answers

Docker Compose selective attaching to services

It's possible that I may be blind or stupid but I have a fairly simple problem for which, aside form not being able to accurately describe it in the title, I wasn't able to find a straightforward solution online. I have a docker-compose.yml…
2 answers

Have troubles figuring out the execution context using Docker and Docker Compose

I have the following docker-compose.yml: version: '3' services: frontend: build: context: ./ dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile image: tsl.web.frontend.image container_name: tsl.web.frontend.container ports: -…
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Port forwarding to a Gitlab server running on a Docker container

I am trying to setup a gitlab server in my local server and open it to internet access. I followed these steps: 1) Container created using the image at, by running wget…
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How to run linux daemon in container linked to another container with docker-compose?

Disclaimer: I'm posting this here because people started to vote to close this question on SO as "off-topic". Although some people believe Docker questions should be posted on SO as opposed to SF, others believe the opposite. I have the following…
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error 503 when using nginx-proxy container like a front-end server to access multiple container on the same host

I want to be able to have access to multiple containers, on the same host, containing web applications. When I want to access the host (by IP address) or the containers (e.g. by host_ip_adress/container1), I get for both a 503 error from nginx. What…
Benjamin Seche
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Nginx by default running on DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.04

Background So yesterday I was playing around with our server. On it we have a docker-compose process running 6 or so containers, one of them being Nginx. Before I played around with it yesterday it was serving files just fine. What I did I noticed…
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Nginx serving requests to two containers

I have an API and a web application that are running in the same docker cluster. 1) Is it best to have one nginx container loadbalancing the two or have two separate nginx containers load balancing each separately? 2) If the former, I tried…
1 answer

Using networks in Docker Compose file

I'm trying to understand how the containers talk to each other with Docker Compose. I'm working in a VM with no domain name, so I use IP address:port. I want a simple Wordpress app using the standard images : wordpress:php5.6-fpm-alpine, mariadb,…
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setting up correct permissions between containers in docker

I am trying to setup a development server for wordpress to work on front-send and back end. So I have this so far version: '3.2' services: nginx: image: nginx:latest ports: - '8000:8000' depends_on: - wordpress …
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