Questions tagged [dns-zone]

"A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the Domain Name System (DNS) for which administrative responsibility has been delegated." (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Questions dealt with "zone" deal with administration and configuration of so-called DNS-zones.

Wikipedia explains the two terms:

DNS refers to the Domain Name System, a hierarchical distributed naming system networked entitities such as computers.

A DNS zone is a portion of a domain name space using the DNS for which administrative responsibility has been delegated.

716 questions
1 answer

Nginx/DNS configuration multiple projects

I've one domain: and multiple projects: proj1, proj2, proj3. Every project has its own API and INTERNAL panel. Could you please suggest me the right DNS/Nginx configuration for this situation? OPTION 1 server_name…
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How to set up a reverse mapping zone for a personal domain?

I've been trying to figure out how to set up a reverse zone based on an already existing forward zone, but I keep getting an error saying server can't find SERVFAIL whenever I try to run an IP through nslookup. Here's the…
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Why don't the NS records on my registrar's name server reflect the values of the alternate name servers I've specified?

Example: is registered at Namecheap but I want to use Cloudflare DNS. So on my Namecheap DNS I set the domain's nameservers (I thought this changed the NS records) to the Cloudflare name servers - and…
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Update DNS with wildcard record - TSIG error with server / GSS verify error

I am working with Microsoft DNS server in corporate environment. I do not have direct access to it, but I can add records remotely. For example - using nsupdate - I can add new A / CNAME type record as in this question from Unix&Linux how to update…
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private domains redirection for members of AD: DNS or something else?

I'm looking to obtain the same consequences of having a line server_ip domain_name (eg., in the file hosts (/etc/hosts or %system32%/drivers/etc/hosts) but for all (or a subset if possible) computers of a private local…
2 answers

Specifying lower priority backup IP for a nameserver

Let's assume that I use EasyDNS as a DNS service provider. There I have an A-record entry for pointing to the IP address, where a DNS server is located, at my premises, listening on port 53. There's also a…
Daniel F
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NS or SOA causing issues intermittently?

My site always seems to be loading fine for me but I started receiving reports of some people not being able to connect to the site. It seems to be a DNS issue, but I can't isolate the problem. Some things I've…
2 answers

Will a resolver know about our second nameserver if we don't have two NS entries?

We had one of our nameservers go down yesterday and everyone in the office was scratching their heads wondering why our other DNS didn't pick up the load in a timely manner (if at all). The two nameservers are not in master-slave configuration, but…
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Pointing sub-domain on Google domains to Wordpress running on Digital Ocean?

I want a sub-domain on my google domains to point to blog.mydomain.example. Currently, it points to DNS at the root domain to Github pages. I want that to remain the same, but the blog subdomain to point to my wordpress running on digital ocean.…
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Migrating server with separate registrar - update dns in registar or hosting/cpanel account?

I am moving a website to a new server, the domain is registered with a separate registrar Another guy owns the registrar account and has added the new nameservers for me, I have updated DNS settings on the hosting account Am I right in thinking I…
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Why does an email within an SOA file have a . instead of a @

When I check the SOA for, I get, has SOA record 2027217413 10000 2400 604800 300 it returns the email as and not Why is this ?
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dns not resolving remote domain when local zone file exist

after I have done million researchs, I still no sure if this right or wrong. Please allow me to ask.. I have Bind DNS setup on Linux, and Resolver setup to listen localhost first then others. I have a domain, , which has amazon name…
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5 answers

How long it takes for domain registrar to update TLD name servers

We accidentally changed the nameserver settings for our The changes were rolled back within minutes. So nameservers were set to the previous ones, provided by After 16 hours, our website still not working. But are worried that…
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1 answer

is CNAME faster than serving directly from another hosted sub-domain?

If a domain exists say and has a subdomain, For this scenario, which one of the following two is faster for serving(least server usage) and delivering(fastest for end-user) the website on http protocol?…
1 answer

Is it possible to add "Prefixes" before namesers?

I've been looking at this website where you enter an input string and you get an output "". Now, I'm not sure if this is possible for any nameserver. Say you have, if you add any random string…